
  • 网络media ecology
  1. 建设和谐社会需要构筑和谐的媒介生态环境,这同样需要媒介、政府、公众的共同努力。

    Constructing the harmonious society needs construction of harmonious media ecology , government , the public and media must make the great joint efforts .

  2. 新闻频道的媒介生态环境中还存在着其他生产者,因此,竞争在所难免。

    Other producers in the media ecology environment cause competitions .

  3. 受众与资源构成了新闻频道媒介生态环境中最基本的生存要素。

    Audiences and resources are the basic element of news channels .

  4. 电视民生新闻媒介生态环境与受众分析

    The Analysis on Medium Environment and Audience of Television Livelihood News

  5. 宁波都市报现状及媒介生态环境透视

    Perspective of Metropolis Newspapers and Ecological Environment for Mass Media in Ningbo

  6. 论地方电视媒体的媒介生态环境

    The Media Ecological Environment of Local City TVs

  7. 当前电视新闻评论正处于一个新的媒介生态环境中。

    At present , the television news review is situating in the media ecological environment .

  8. 互联网的快速扩张使传统报业所处的媒介生态环境发生深刻变化。

    Rapidly developing Internet media has been causing profound and sharp changes to the landscape of traditional newspaper .

  9. 媒介生态环境分为媒介外生态环境和媒介内生态环境。

    Media ecological environment can be divided into the medium outside the ecological environment and the medium inside the ecological environment .

  10. 因此,研究媒介生态环境与新闻自律的关系就具有一定的理论价值与实践意义。

    So study media ecological environment and relation that news contain by oneself have certain theory value and practise the meaning .

  11. 进入社会转型期,媒介生态环境的变迁,直接影响和延伸了大众媒介的传播形态和功能。

    However the changes of media enviroment caused by social transfomation directly influences and extends the communication forms and funtion of mass media .

  12. 并希望能为我国体育类报纸在激烈竞争的媒介生态环境中的生存与发展提出可供参考的建设性意见。

    And hope for our sports newspaper in a highly competitive media environment in the survival and development of the constructive views are presented for reference .

  13. 媒介生态环境包括:社会环境、制度环境、文化环境、市场环境、技术环境五个方面。

    Nowadays , the media ecological environment includes five sides , which are social environment , institution environment , cultural environment , marketing environment and technical environment .

  14. 在此基础上,论文第三章论述了媒介生态环境中政治因子、经济因子、技术因子等生态因子对媒介集团的影响及其相互作用。

    Based on these , the third chapter discusses the polity factor , economy factor and technology factor for media conglomerate and their interaction in the media environment .

  15. 新媒体技术的变革引发了新媒体营销的变革,媒介生态环境和消费者媒介接触习惯也因此而发生变化。

    The reform of new media technologies has led to the change of the new-media marketing , with which the environment and consumer media habits have also changed .

  16. 第二部分从自然、政治、经济、社会文化四个方面分析了青海卫视所处的媒介生态环境。

    The second part is about the analysis of the media environment of the Qinghai TV from the four aspects of the natural , political , economic and cultural .

  17. 台湾地区和大陆迥异的社会制度和媒介生态环境,使得两岸人民在使用互联网媒体进行社会事务讨论和政治参与呈现出很大的不同。

    Because of different media environment and social system between Taiwan and Mainland , people on both sides are using the Internet for social affairs and political participation very differently .

  18. 第二部分为韩国影视产业的媒介生态环境,分析了韩政府对文化产业的扶持政策、韩剧独特的运作体制,成功的营销策略;

    The second chapter is media environment of TV industry in Korea , analyzing culture industry policy of Korea , unique managing system of Korea TV drama program , successful sale strategy .

  19. 当前媒介生态环境中的受众、资源、竞争的现状给新闻频道带来了一些问题。这些制约新闻频道发展的问题主要体现在四个方面:频道信息量不足;

    The situation of audiences , resources and competitions in the media ecology environment in the stage has brought some problems which are deficiency of information , not useful of living , deficiency of talents and entertainment of news .

  20. 新闻频道处于一定的媒介生态环境中,环境中的各种因素直接影响到新闻频道的发展状况,新闻频道只有采取相应的措施去适应环境,才能求生存,求发展。

    News channels are in a certain media ecology environment in which all kinds of elements affect directly on the development of news channels . Only corresponding measures are taken to adapt to environment can news channels survive and develop .

  21. 第五部分是结合青海卫视本土受众现状、媒介生态环境及青海卫视发展现状,提出青海卫视发展及本土受众市场培养策略。

    The fifth part is a combination of the current situation of the Qinghai local TV audience , the media environment and the development of the present situation of the development of the Qinghai TV and local audience market training strategy .

  22. 在大众传播开始步入分众传播的媒介生态环境下,受众开始由原来对传播内容的被动接受向主动选择过渡,其文化消费呈现个性化需求。

    Under the media environment that the mass communication starts to enter the focus communication , the audience begins to spread from " passive acceptance " to " active choice " transition on the content , and their cultural consumption has become personalized .

  23. 本文创新点在于:把新闻自律与媒介生态环境关系放在媒介生态学中研究,把媒介环境作为社会信息系统的一个子系统,研究它的运作规律以及人与它的相互关系。

    This text innovates and clicks lying in : Is it put in media studying in the ecology with media ecological environment relation to contain news by oneself , regard environmental media as a subsystem of the social information system , study its operation law and people and its interreaction .

  24. 摘要:随着传播技术的进步,媒介的生态环境发生了极大的改变。

    With the advancement of communication technologies , the media ecology has changed dramatically .

  25. 北京地区传播媒介的生态环境

    Media Ecosystem of Beijing

  26. 新媒体的崛起,改变了传统媒介的生态环境,传统报业集团也因此面临着新媒体严峻的挑战。

    The appearance of new media changed ecological environment in the traditional media as well . For most of traditional press groups , they also faced challenges from new media .

  27. 争议性事件新闻报道的舆论引导应积极践行五个必须,这可以看作是指导媒体健康发展和构建媒介生态良好环境的指针。

    The report of controversial news events ' opinion guidance should actively practice the " must ", which can be seen as guiding the healthy development of the media and constructing favorable media ecology .

  28. 本文应用经济学中的均衡理论及相关理论,构建了由媒介与受众生态环境所形成的,并随着经济、技术、政策等因素的变化而变化的生态平衡理论框架。

    The paper that manage the balance theory and related , constructs the ecology balance frame which be composed of the media and audience ecology balance by the changes of elements , such as economy , technology and policy .

  29. 本文试图借用媒介生态学中有关环境方面的理论来阐述媒介生态环境在近代民营报纸发展过程中的作用和影响,找出影响中国近代民营报纸短命和长寿的个中原因。

    Trying to use the media ecology theory about the environment describes the role and impact of the development of private newspapers , finding out the reason how to make the Private Press " short-lived " or " long-lived " in this article .

  30. 然而与传统媒介不同的是,新媒体生长于全新的媒介生态环境中。

    Be different from the traditional medium , the new media grows in the brand-new medium ecological environment .