
  • 网络media violence
  1. 影视人类学的伪装:一场媒介暴力的表演

    The Mask of Visual Anthropology : The Performance of the Media Violence

  2. 那么,媒介暴力到底对青少年产生了什么样的影响?

    But so far , what kind of influence has media violence produced to teenagers ?

  3. 这个时期,关于媒介暴力的效果研究成为主导范式。

    During this period , researches on the effect of media violence became the dominant paradigm .

  4. 媒介暴力的效果研究,在西方已经有七十余年的历程了。

    Studies to the effect of media violence have been in process in the west countries for over 70 years .

  5. 媒介暴力现实如此严峻,使得大众逐渐意识到改善媒介环境、加强媒体责任在所难免。

    The reality of media violence is so severe that the public come to realize that it is inevitable for improving the media environment and strengthening the media responsibility .

  6. 因此,本文通过研究女性形象的再现与表征,话语/权力操控与争夺方面所体现出的媒介暴力,并揭示这种以符号暴力形式对女性实施的性别规训、权力宰制和象征性歼灭。

    Therefore , by studying the reproduction and representation of female image , this paper tries to reveal media violence reflected in power manipulation and competition , and reveals gender discipline , domination and " symbolic annihilation " implemented in the form of symbolic violence against women .

  7. 这些媒介因其暴力和不堪入耳的对话而著名。

    They were known for their graphic violence and dramatic , strong dialogue .

  8. 从印刷时代报刊对于暴力事件的追随,到信息时代随处可见的暴力信息,媒介与受众对于暴力内容的偏爱更是与日俱增。

    From the printed Times newspaper following the violence to the information age that violence can be seen everywhere , the media and the audience preference for violent content is increasing day by day .