
  • 网络Media credibility;public trust of media;public trust in media
  1. 树立媒介公信力,必须遏制新闻炒作。

    To establish the public trust in media , news propagation must be banned .

  2. 中国大众媒介公信力影响因素分析

    An Analysis on Influence Factors of Public Trust in China 's Media

  3. 新闻策划与媒介公信力

    News Scheme and Media Credit

  4. 试论媒介公信力的缺失与重塑&媒介商业化的伦理反思

    Discussion on the medium 's lack of credibility and remodeling & Ethical reflection on the medium commercialization

  5. 这种挑战从市场份额的竞争,到对受众的争取,一直延伸到对于媒介公信力的比拼。

    Those challenges has been extended from the competition for the market share 、 fight for the audience to competition of media credibility .

  6. 本论文基于社会调查数据,对中国大众媒介公信力测评量表的因子结构也就是影响因素进行了探讨,并对其特征进行了分析。

    This paper discusses the factors structure of the public trust scale in China 's Media based on a test , and makes an analysis on characteristics of the factors structure .

  7. 满足受众诉求既是新闻传播活动达到预期传播效果的重要前提,也是提高媒介公信力,引导社会舆论的重要指标。

    It is an important prerequisite for getting the desired effect in the process of journalism and communication , also a key indicator for improving the credibility of media and guiding public opinion to satisfy audience appeal .

  8. 最后分析大众文化叙事对媒介公信力的正面塑造以及对媒介公信力造成的负面影响,希望以此为提高媒介公信力提供借鉴。

    At the end , we analysis the credibility of the media narrative of mass culture positive shape and the negative impact of media credibility , in order to provide a reference to improve the credibility of media .

  9. 近年来,关于媒体负面问题的新闻事件源源不断,新闻从业人员的职业素养和媒介公信力不断的受到拷问,传者的素养问题也越来越引起人们的注意和重视。

    In recent years , the negative media on the issue of the news flow , the professionalism of journalists and media credibility under constant torture , the mass literacy problems are more and more attention and importance .

  10. 本论文以中国社会转型时期大众媒介公信力为主要研究对象,探讨转型期媒介公信力的现实境况、制约因素及其建构路径。

    This thesis regards mass media credibility as the main research object in the period of Chinese social transformation , and discusses the actual situation , the restricted factors and the construction path of media credibility in the period of transition .

  11. 进而探讨新闻报道作为影响媒介公信力的主要因素,其所呈现的大众文化叙事特征对媒介公信力的影响,分析得出大众文化叙事和媒介公信力之间是一种既相互依赖又互相制约的契约关系。

    Further explore the impact of news media credibility as a major factor , they show characteristics of mass culture , narrative impact of media credibility , Analysis of popular culture obtained between narrative and media credibility is both interdependent and mutually constraining contractual relationship .

  12. 在当代,塑造品牌已经成为企业获得竞争优势的战略工具,关注品牌打造,不断树立媒介的公信力与权威性也是中国电视媒介追求高回报的必由之路。

    Brand building has become a strategic tool for companies to win competitive advantages today . Also the only way of pursuit of high return for Chinese TV medium is to pay close attention to brand building , and constantly to establish credibility and authority .

  13. 灾难性事件报道对于提升媒介的知名度,树立媒介的公信力和树立政府形象都具有不可忽视的作用。

    The report of disastrous events plays an unneglectable role in raising the reputation and the public credit of the media and the good image of the government .

  14. 当前媒介组织危机公关中多采取保持沉默的态度,采用冷处理的手段,或者利用不对等的沟通方式等。这些被动消极的危机公关直接或间接的损害了媒介组织形象及公信力。

    They just keep silent ; use the cold treatment means or the unequal way of communication , etc. These negative behaviors will damage the image and credibility directly or indirectly .