
  1. 钱颖一指出:他们中的大多数人在20来岁的时候没有进商学院学习过MBA课程。

    Most of them did not go to business school in their 20s to do an MBA , says Qian .

  2. 当钱颖一院长邀请我今天来做演讲时,我想,来给远比我年轻比我酷的人演讲?

    When Dean Qian invited me to speak today , I thought , come talk to a group of people way younger and cooler than I am ?

  3. 在《理解现代经济学》一文中,钱颖一指出:理论本身的价值并非直接解释现实,而是为解释现实的进一步理论提供参照系。

    In " Understanding Modern Economics ", Pro . Qian ( 2002 ) argues that the values of theories are not from their directly explanatory power to reality , but to provide a frame of reference for explanation .