
Mǎ Yínchū
  • Western-trained economist best known for his applied economics and population theory
  1. 1957年,马寅初先生提出“新人口论”,次年开始,他的经济观点和人口理论受到批判。

    In1957 , Ma Yinchu put forward " New Population Theory " which was criticized next year .

  2. 财政金融思想是马寅初整个经济思想体系中最为完整、理论性也最强的部分。

    The thoughts of fiscal and finance are the important parts in his ideological system of economy .

  3. 面对严重的民族危机和社会危机,马寅初主张从经济、教育和人口等方面入手加以应对。

    The face of grave national crisis and social crisis , Ma Yin-chu advocated to be addressed from an economic aspect .

  4. 注重人口质量是马寅初人口思想对马尔萨斯人口论的实质性超越。

    Emphasizing on the quality of population , Ma Yin chu 's thought of population essentially surpasses the Malthusian population theory .

  5. 马寅初关于人口质量的观点主要体现于:人口质量与人口数量是对立的统一;

    Ma Yin chu 's point of view mainly maintains that : population quality and population quantity is a unity of opposites ;

  6. 马寅初的银行资本观强调了以资本为银行的基础,以资本约束银行的经营行为。

    Ma Yin-chu 's bank capital outlook emphasizes that capital is the foundation of a bank and that capital binds the operation behavior of a bank .

  7. 此文被众多著述家作为信史加以引用,在有关马寅初、孔祥熙等研究领域产生了广泛影响。

    The article has been quoted as something true by many writers and has exerted deep influence in the field of study concerning Ma Yinchu and Kong Xiangxi .

  8. 在教育方面,马寅初采用学校教育和实践教育等方式去凝聚社会力量,整合社会资源。

    In education , Ma Yin-chu school education and practice of education , use of such means to pool together all the social forces , integration of social resources .

  9. 我们通过对马寅初先生关于银行资本观的研究,探讨现代银行如何增强资本管理意识,以加强资本管理实现风险管理。

    This paper provides a study of Ma Yin-chu 's bank capital outlook and presents a discussion on how a modern bank enhances capital management so as to exercise risk management .

  10. 马寅初不断提醒国人,人口控制是一项长期、渐进的工程,它需要我们全社会的密切的配合,更依赖于社会全体成员的积极参与。

    Ma Yin-chu to keep reminding people , population control is a long-term , progressive project , it requires our close co-ordination of the whole society , but depend on the active participation of all members of society .