
  • 网络Roger Tsien;Roger Y. Tsien;Roger Y Tsien;Roger Yonchien Tsien
  1. 汤姆森路透研究服务中心称,加州大学圣地牙哥分校拉乔拉的钱永健可能会获得诺贝尔奖。

    Roger Tsien at the University of California San Diego , La Jolla , may win Nobel prizes , Thomson Reuters said .

  2. 华裔美国人钱永健,日本科学家小泉修和美国科学家马丁-查尔菲三人因发现和应用绿色荧光蛋白而共同获得诺贝尔化学奖。

    Chinese-American Roger Tsien , along with Japanese Osamu Shimomura , and American Martin Chalfie , shared the Nobel chemistry prize for discovering and developing green fluorescent protein ( GFP ) .

  3. 钱永健在加利福尼亚接受记者电话采访时表示,获得该奖是一大惊喜。

    Speaking to reporters by telephone from California , Tsien said he was surprised to receive the award .