
  1. 现在的观点认为,肥胖更多的是医学问题而非心理问题。

    Current thinking holds that obesity is more a medical than a psychological problem

  2. 罗宾的失忆是心理问题,而非生理问题。

    Robyn 's loss of memory is a psychological problem , rather than a physical one .

  3. 一份报告说,上海市18%的学生都有心理问题。

    A report says that 18 % of Shanghai students have mental problems .

  4. 大学生心理问题阅读治疗前后SCL-90评定分析

    Comparative analysis of bibliotherapy for mental problems in college students

  5. 结果慢性肝病肝脏CT增强扫描主要存在以下的护理问题:心理问题,交叉感染,血管缺陷和凝血机制障碍。

    Results The typical problems of nursing for patients with chronic liver diseases receiving enhancement CT scanning were psychological problems , cross infection , vascular deficiency , and blood coagulation disturbance .

  6. 结果产生心理问题的危险因素按其影响力大小顺序排列为:EPQN,EPQE,谈恋爱,失恋过;

    Results The dangerous factors of mental health status were as fellows : EPQ N , EPQ E , being in love , losing love .

  7. 方法采用《症状自评量表SCL-90》作为心理问题的测试工具对62例库欣综合症患者进行调查。

    Methods Symptom Check-List , SCL-90 was adopted as testing tools to explore the psychological problems of62 patients with Cushing 's syndrome .

  8. 在EMBU家庭教育相关调查中显示,学生心理问题的形成与家庭教育关联甚大。

    Accding to the EMBU family education survey , it shows that the students'psychological problems have much to do with the family education .

  9. 急性心肌梗死患者心理问题的分析与护理对策

    Analysis and nursing measures of psychological problem of acute myocardial infarction

  10. 青壮年垂体腺瘤患者的心理问题与护理对策

    Psychological problems and nursing countermeasures in young adult with pituitary adenoma

  11. 阳光依旧灿烂&一个心理问题学生的个案研究

    A Study on a Case of a Student With Psychological Problem

  12. 结果:92.11%的硕士研究生新生无心理问题;

    Results : 92.11 % postgraduate freshmen had no psychological problem ;

  13. 结果刑警心理问题检出率为25.4%。

    Results 25.4 % of criminal policemen had mental health problems .

  14. 目的探讨僧人的个性特征及心理问题。

    Objectives To explore the personalities and psychological problems of monks .

  15. 个性不稳定的学生容易出现心理问题;

    The students whose personality unsteady more easily get psychological disorder .

  16. 他那些气人的方式可能是在伪装深层次的心理问题。

    His irritating ways are likely to mask deep psychological problems .

  17. 医药大学新生日常心理问题的探讨&对567篇大学生作业的分析报告

    Discussion on daily psychological problems of fresher in the medical university

  18. 风险社会中的青年心理问题与治理

    Young people 's psychological problem and its treatment in risk society

  19. 高校图书馆青年馆员心理问题浅析

    The Analysis of Psychology Problems of Young Librarians in Universities

  20. 大学新生心理问题的现状、成因及对策

    Status Quo , Causes and Countermeasures for Mental Problems of College Freshmen

  21. 少数民族地区师范专科学生心理问题检出率为11.6%。

    11.6 % of the ethnic students had psychological problems .

  22. 结论:民办高校大学新生心理问题检出率较高,应予关注。

    Conclusion : students ' mental problems of civil college were obvious .

  23. 妇科手术病人的心理问题与心理疏导

    Psychological leading of gynecologic operation patients with some mental problems

  24. 由助学金公示制度引发的学生心理问题及对策

    Problems Raised by Public Notice on Student Grant and Countermeasures

  25. 试析未来作战中我军官兵可能面临的战争性心理问题

    On Our Army 's Mental Problem Caused by War in Future Campaign

  26. 心理问题检出率为13.62%;

    The incidence rate of mental symptom was 13.62 % .

  27. 军校大学生心理问题及引导对策

    A Study of Countermeasures of the Mentality Problems of Students on PLA University

  28. 教师心理问题的原因及对策

    The Reason and Countermeasure on Teachers ' Psychological Problem

  29. 学生心理问题早期干预的实施策略

    Strategies of Early Intervention in Students ' Psychological Problems

  30. 乳腺癌病人的躯体、心理问题与护理

    Somatic and psychological problems of patients with breast cancer and their nursing care