
xīn fèi fù sū shù
  • CPR;cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  1. 儿童心肺复苏术的研究状况和对比

    Study Status and Comparison in Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Children

  2. 新型心肺复苏术血流动力学效果的模型研究

    Hemodynamic Effects of a New Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation : Study with Computer Model

  3. 然后垒球教练喊道:"有人会心肺复苏术吗?"心肺复苏术是一种救生技术。

    Then the softball coach shouted out , " Does anyone know CPR ? " CPR is a life-saving technique .

  4. 做心肺复苏术时,你要按压病人的胸部,使血液在其体内流动并将氧气带到各个器官。

    To do CPR , you press on the sick person 's chest so that blood moves through the body and takes oxygen to organs .

  5. 目的以心脏为靶器官观察短暂下肢缺血预处理对心肺复苏术(CPR)的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of transient thigh ischemic precondition ( TTIP ) and drug precondition on cardio-pulmonary resuscitation ( CPR ) .

  6. 所有公共场所都必须配备自动体外除颤器(AED),并且所有的服务人员都应当培训学习心肺复苏术。

    All public places must be equipped with AED and all service staff should be trained with CPR .

  7. 学校医院的医生们随后抵达了现场,他们立即对子博进行了CPR心肺复苏术,并且拨打了120急救电话。

    After arriving at the scene , doctors from the school infirmary performed CPR on Zibo , and also dialed 120 , the emergency medical number in China .

  8. 拿《实习医生格蕾》(2005-至今)举例:在2011年,10岁的美国小姑娘MadisynSeyferth通过看电视剧学到的心肺复苏术,挽救了母亲的生命。

    Take Grey 's Anatomy ( 2005 - ) for example : In 2011 , Madisyn Seyferth , a 10-year-old American girl , saved her mother 's life after learning CPR from the show .

  9. 《心肺复苏术》多媒体课件的应用效果评估

    Effect of using the multimedia software of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

  10. 主动按压减压心肺复苏术循环效应的临床研究

    Clinical Investigation of Hemodynamic Response to Active Compression-Decompression Resuscitation

  11. 急诊早期开胸心肺复苏术18例分析

    The analysis of 18 cases of open chest cardiopulmonary resuscitation at early period

  12. 请记住:要立刻实施心肺复苏术进行抢救。

    Remember : Do NOT hesitate to operate CPR .

  13. 心肺复苏术是另一种常用的恢复心跳的方法。

    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is another method often used to restore the beating of the heart .

  14. 他还强调他们都接受过专业的心肺复苏术和水上安全训练。

    He also highlights that they are both professionally trained in CPR and water safety .

  15. 心肺复苏术可以增强人体心脏和肺部的自然功能。

    C-P-R is designed to increase the natural ability of a person 's heart and lungs .

  16. 本文以文献回顾的方式介绍心肺复苏术的起源及其在社会中造成的冲击。

    This paper discussed the origin of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and its social impact through literature review .

  17. 现在,发现仅胸外按压的心肺复苏术就足够了,这甚至是更好的消息,他说。

    Now , the finding that chest compression alone seems adequate is even better news , he says .

  18. 用评分法预测心肺复苏术后昏迷病人预后的临床研究

    Clinic Study on Predicting Prognoses of Comatose Patients with Restoration of Spontaneous Circulation after Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation with Score

  19. 胸腹按压心肺复苏术对猝死病人生存率的影响

    The effects of phased chest and abdominal compression cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the survival rate of patients with sudden death

  20. 11例急性左主干闭塞4例,术前均处于心源性休克状态,包括心肺复苏术2例;

    There were 4 cases of acute occlusion of LM with cardiogenic shock , including 2 cases of cardiopulmonary resuscitation .

  21. 别太激动!刚才你的呼吸停了,因此我非得给你做心肺复苏术不可。

    Don 't get too excited . a minute ago you weren 't breathing , and I had to give you cpr .

  22. 明尼苏达州对《星论坛报》的调查做出了回应,管理机构最近建议增加在安全睡眠姿势和心肺复苏术方面的培训。

    Responding to the Star Tribune 's ongoing investigation , state regulators recently recommended increased training in safe sleep positioning and CPR .

  23. 乔伊斯:我明天就要参加心肺复苏术考试了,所以得复习一下,好拿到心肺复苏救生人员证书。

    Joyce : I have to practice for my CPR exam tomorrow . I 'm taking it so I can get my CPR certification .

  24. 我们设计这个研究来了解针对特定危险对象的心肺复苏术训练能否吸引台北市心脏病患者家属来学习心肺复苏术。

    We designed this study to determine whether targeted mass CPR training course in Taipei City could attract families of cardiac patients to learn CPR technique .

  25. 十岁的小姑娘在母亲昏厥停止呼吸后,利用从医学题材美剧《实习医生格蕾》中学到的心肺复苏术抢救回自己的母亲。

    A10-year-old girl brought her mother back to life after she blacked out and stopped breathing , using resuscitation techniques learned from watching Grey 's Anatomy .

  26. 本实验以窒息法复制大鼠复苏模型,以心脏为靶器官观察短暂下肢缺血预处理及药物预处理对心肺复苏术的影响,并初步探讨其机制。

    We performed asphyxia cardiac arrest and resuscitation ( ACAR ) in rats to appraise the effect of precondition on CPR and briefly discussed its mechanisms .

  27. 研究背景与意义:挽救生命的心肺复苏术必须在心脏骤停的10分钟内实施,才有可能获得较好的预后。

    BACKGROUND : Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a life-saving skill which should be implemented within 10 minutes of cardiac arrest occurred in order to obtain a better outcome .

  28. 对近年有关成人心肺复苏术中基础生命支持、高级生命支持、持续生命支持的进展及其护理进行综述。

    It summarized the progress and nursing care of basic life support , superior life support and continuous life support in adult cardiopulmonary resuscitation in recent years .

  29. 我们在大规模的全民心肺复苏术训练活动中特别往积极的用电话及信件来邀请台北市民参加。

    We used a targeted strategy and aggressive methods such as mailing and telephoning to invite citizens of Taipei city to join our mass CPR training course .

  30. 发现母亲停止呼吸,小姑娘立即拨打911急救电话,在等待救护车来的时间里,小姑娘和她12岁的朋友一起为母亲实施了心肺复苏术。

    After dialling 911 to summon help , she and her friend Katelynn Vreeke , 12 , performed cardio-pulmonary resuscitation while they waited for the ambulance to arrive .