
  • 网络Psychological description
  1. 本文从叙述者、对话、心理描写三个方面对白先勇的女性叙事策略进行了分析。

    The essay will analyze from narrators , dialogues and psychological description .

  2. 从叙事聚焦看《红楼梦》中的心理描写

    The Psychological Description in The Red Mansion from the Perspective of Narrative Focus

  3. 其小说心理描写深刻、细腻。

    The mental description in her novel is profound and elaborate .

  4. 她的小说以现实主义和心理描写见长。

    Her novels are known for their realism and psychological insight .

  5. 极端内倾与情感迸泻&路翎小说心理描写初探

    A Study of Psychological Descriptions in Lu Ling 's Novels

  6. 福克纳的心理描写与余华叙事形式的比较

    A Comparison between Faulkner 's Psychological Description and Yu Hua 's Narrative Form

  7. 心理描写与叙述视角;

    2 , psychological description and narrative visual angle ;

  8. 寻找逝去的心灵&谈谈《左传》中几种独特的心理描写

    Seek the lapsed heart : Talk about a few Special Psychological Description in

  9. 《美国的悲剧》中的心理描写分析

    An Analysis on Psychological description in An American Tragedy

  10. 笔者认为,丁玲小说最重要的特色就在于她的心理描写。

    Her works ' style is mentality writing .

  11. 第三章讨论《再生缘》前十七卷的艺术特质,主要从心理描写、人物形象塑造和语言艺术三个方面入手。

    In the third chapter the writer studies artistic character of The Destiny of Rebirth .

  12. 论十七年革命自传文学心理描写的得与失从心外无理看阳明心学对儒学的革命意义及启示

    On Gains and Losses of the Psychological Description in the Revolutionary Autobiography of Seventeen Years

  13. 本文着重论述了存在于中国古代小说中独特的中国式心理描写艺术。

    The thesis emphasizes Chinese distinctive psychology description skills , which exist in Chinese ancient novels .

  14. 复杂矛盾中的心理描写&浅析《红与黑》中的心理描写

    Psychological Portray of Complicated Contradiction & Analysis of Psychological Portray in The Red and the Black

  15. 主要从喜剧特色、神魔化描写和心理描写三方面着手。

    Mainly from three aspects begin comedy features , Ghost of the description and psychological description .

  16. 该小说在心理描写方面所做出的开拓性贡献对后世作家文学创作有深远的影响。

    This article discusses its great contributions to psychological portray , and its influence to later authors .

  17. 心灵激情是我们体察茨威格心理描写的独特视角。

    Mind passion is the special perspective for us to rend Stephen Swig 's narration of mind .

  18. 《琥珀》中人物心理描写的透视手法

    Psychological description in Forever Amber

  19. 考琳•麦卡洛是一位擅长心理描写的作家。

    Ms Colleen Mccullough is a famous writer who did a very good job on psychological creation .

  20. 她对社会伦理道德的真切关怀和在心理描写手法上的造诣都我们值得深入探究。

    Her vivid care to the social ethics and attainments on the psychology describing worth further studying .

  21. 小说中的描写方法主要为:外貌描写、心理描写和细节描写。

    Different descriptive methods have been mentioned , including appearance description , description of psychic and detailed description .

  22. 第三节,重点分析《笔生花》的心理描写。

    Section III , focusing on analysis of the psychological description of the " Bi Sheng Hua " .

  23. 第二节主要对《花月痕》人物塑造手法做了论述,包括心理描写手法与对比衬托手法。

    The second section primarily expounds the manner of character creation , including psychology description and contrast and foil .

  24. 其次,是小说人物塑造的方法,最突出的特色是白描和心理描写。

    The second is the way of creating character , the most dominant characteristics are line drawing and inside description .

  25. 此章主要从场面描写、心理描写和语言风格入笔分析一合作品。

    This chapter is from the scene description , language style of psychological description and analysis of a co-product into the pen .

  26. 在女性形象塑造上,她以细腻独到的心理描写去探测作品中的女性心理,并用凝聚深情之笔表达她们的爱与恨。

    While exemplifying the images , she describes the mind of these with intricate psychological descriptions to express their love and hate enthusiastically .

  27. 也许张爱玲都未意识到,她的心理描写竟与二十世纪心理学的思想成果相互印证。

    Perhaps Zhang Ailing herself has not realize , the describing about psychology confirm with the thought achievement of psychology the 20th century unexpectedly .

  28. 施蛰存是通过显尼志勒才了解弗洛伊德及其理论的,并用弗洛伊德的理论和显尼志勒所擅长的内心独白,将人物的性心理描写到极至。

    Shi Zhechun came to know Freud s theories through the works of Arthur Schitzler With Freud s theories and the inner monologue which .

  29. 作者以其出色的幽默笔触,细腻的心理描写,栩栩如生的人物形象,生动活泼的语言,集中地反映了作家独特的艺术风格。

    The novel reflects the writer 's unique artistic style with humorous touches , fine psychological descriptions , lefe-like images of the heroes and lively language .

  30. 乔伊斯·卡罗尔·欧茨在《他们》中主要采取了以下自然主义特色的艺术手法:第三者叙事视角,精湛的心理描写,象征主义手法和自然主义特色的语言。

    Joyce Carol Oates applies the following naturalistic artistic technologies in them : the third person perspective , exquisite psychological description , symbolism and naturalistic language .