
xīn dòng guò huǎn
  • bradycardia;bradyarrhythmia
心动过缓[xīn dòng guò huǎn]
  1. 比较术后4、8、12、24h的镇痛效果(VAS评分),术后24h内的PCEA按压次数,恶心呕吐、皮肤瘙痒、低血压、心动过缓等的发生情况。

    The post-operative 4,8,12,24 hours visual analog scale ( VAS ), post-operative 24 hours PCEA and incidence of side effects such as nausea , vomiting , itching , hypotension and bradycardia were recorded .

  2. 病态窦房结综合征(SSS)最主要特征为心动过缓。

    The main characterization of sick sinus syndrome ( SSS ) is bradycardia .

  3. 不使用βblocker的主要原因是窦性心动过缓。

    The main reason of unused β - blocker was sinus bradycardia .

  4. 目的:对心动过缓伴ST段压低的现象进行讨论,评估其在病窦综合征诊断中的价值。

    Objective To discuss the phenomenon of bradycardia with depressed ST segment and to evaluate its value in diagnosing sick sinus syndrome .

  5. 结论双腔ICD由于增加了心房电极导线,可提高对房性心律失常的识别能力,从而减少误放电。对伴有房性心律失常及心动过缓者应推荐使用双腔ICD。

    Conclusion Dual-chamber ICD could improve recognizing of atrial tachycardias and reduce false shocks .

  6. 窦性心动过缓患者阿托品试验前后QTd变化

    Changes of QT Dispersion before and after Atropin Test in Patients with Sinus Bradycardia

  7. 复律后H-Epi+Iso组室性心律失常未见明显增多,H-Epi与H-Epi+Iso两组出现的窦性心动过缓及III°AVB例均在加用异丙肾上腺素后恢复正常窦性心律。

    The ventricular arrhythmia of H-Epi + Iso group was not increased significantly after conversion .

  8. 无症状脑梗死1例;2例术后出现低血压,心动过缓,静脉持续给药24h后恢复正常。

    Asymptomatic cerebral infarction was found in 1 case , hypotension and bradycardia in 2 cases that required continuous intravenous medication and inotropic support for 24 h.

  9. E0组病人低血压和心动过缓的发生率分别为12.3%、5.2%,均P<0.01。未出现严重的心血管毒副作用。

    The proportion of hypotention and bradycardia was higher in the two treatment groups than the E0 group ( P < 0.01 ), but no severe adverse event was observed .

  10. 三组患者手术结束后均未出现呼吸抑制;只有D2组出现了1例心动过缓。

    After surgery , none of three groups ' patients had respiratory suppression ; group D2 only had one case of bradycardia . Conclusion : 1 .

  11. 7%的患者ECG示窦性心动过缓,26.7%的患者头颅MRI检查示小脑萎缩,10%的患者脑干听觉诱发电位中枢段检查异常。

    ECG showed that 6.7 % of patients had sinus bradycardia ; MRI scan showed 26.7 % of patients had atrophic cerebellums brainstem auditory evoked potential ( BAEP ) showed 10 % of patients were abnormal in central segment .

  12. 结论:TedralSA是一种治疗老年重度窦性心动过缓有效而安全的药物。

    Conclusion : Tedral SA was a effective and safe drug for treatment of elderly patients with severe sinus bradycardia .

  13. 窦性心动过缓、窦房传导阻滞组病人的HRV指标上升,主要以迷走神经张力增高为主,而窦性停搏组随R-R间期延长HRV指标反而明显下降有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    The primary sign was high parasympathetic nerve tension , but sinus arrest group , HRV level was decreased obviously with R-R interval prolong ( P < 0.01 ) .

  14. 窦性心动过缓,异位心律失常与ST-T异常心电图以40岁以上年龄段多见(P<005)。

    Sinus bradycardia , ectopic arrhythmia and abnormal change of ST-T in people over 40 years were higher than that of below 40 ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 目的探讨右心室起搏(VVI)和双腔起搏(DDD)对各种症状性心动过缓患者左心构型的影响。

    Objective To probe into the effects of right ventricular pacing ( VVI ) and double chamber pacing on left cardiac configuration in patients with various symptomatic bradycardia .

  16. 结论:MetaⅡ-1204型起搏器可改善心动过缓者的运动耐量和心输出量,其起搏频率适应幅度与运动负荷相关性好,但频率适应速度较迟缓。

    Conclusion : Meta ⅱ - 1204 pacemaker improves cardiac output and exercise capacity in patients with bradycardias . Although the onset of rate response is relatively slow , the increment of pacing rate is proportional to exercise workload .

  17. 1.5ug/kg的右美托咪定可引起明显的低血压、部分病人可有心动过缓。

    Obvious hypotension and bradycardia in some patients were found when 1.5ug/kg dexmedetomidine used .

  18. 血压偏低、心动过缓、晶状体混浊和尿香草扁桃酸(VMA)排出增高的检出率,微波组明显高于对照组(P0.05)。

    In addition , the prevalence of hypotension , bradycardia , lens opacity , and increased urinary vanillylmandelic acid ( VMA ) excretion appeared to be higher in exposed workers than that in control with statistical slgnificance ( P0.05 ) .

  19. 8例分别为频发室性期前收缩、房性期前收缩、窦性心动过缓、窦性心动过速、Ⅰ度房室传导阻滞、Q-T间期延长。

    The other 8 cases were recurrent attacks of ventricular premature beat , atrial premature beat , sinus bradycardia , sinus tachycardia , first degree atrioventricular block , lengthening of Q-T interval .

  20. 结果:海洛因依赖者ECG异常改变率高达75.32%,以窦性心动过缓(36.17%)、窦性心律不齐(32.77%)、ST-T段改变(13.62%)多见;

    Results : The Rate of ECG aberrant change in subjects was up to 75.32 % , in which sinus bradycardia ( 36.17 % ), sinus arrhythmia ( 32.77 % ) and ST-T segment change ( 13.62 % ) were the majors .

  21. 本文应用临床电生理检查及药物激发试验,探讨了流行性出血热(EHF)并发心动过缓的机理,27例EHF中并发心动过缓18例,占66.7%。

    In this study the mechanism of sinus bradycardia has been studied in 27 patients with epidemic hemorrhagic fever ( EHF ) by clinic electrophysiologic examination and the pharmacological provocation test . Of 27 patients , 18 were complicated with sinus bradycardia ( 66.7 % ) .

  22. 出现以下任何一项者为心电图异常:心动过缓、心动过速、ST-T改变、Ⅱ度Ⅰ型以上房室传导阻滞、完全左、完全右、左前束支传导阻滞及左心室肥厚等。

    ECG was thought as abnormal if any one below presented : bradycardia , pyknocardia , ST-T changing , type ⅰ atrial ventricular block AVB of ⅱ°, complete left fascicular block , complete right fascicular block , left anterior fascicular block , left ventricular hypertrophy and etc.

  23. 2例患者出现能耐受的低血压状态(85~90/55~60mmHg),无严重心动过缓(心率<50次/min)及Ⅱ、Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞、心功能恶化及死亡等事件。

    Tolerable hypotensive state ( 85 ~ 90 / 55 ~ 60 mmHg ) appeared in patients , but serious bradycardia ( HR < 50bpm ), atrioventricular block grade ⅱ / ⅲ, worsening cardiac function and death were not observed .

  24. 这些结果提供了新的证据,提示癫痫时CVN可能以痫样模式发放。而这种发放模式可能与癫痫病人发作时的神经源性发作性心动过缓、心跳骤停、甚至猝死有关。

    These results have given new evidence that the CVNs might fire in a seizure-like pattern during epileptic attack , which might be responsible for the neurogenic ictal bradyarrhythmia , cardiac asystole , or even the sudden deaths of patients of epilepsy . 3 .

  25. 窦性心动过缓肿瘤患者术前动态心电图分析

    Preoperative analysis of dynamic electrocardiogram in tumor patients with sinus bradycardia

  26. 窦性心动过缓是心率低于60次。

    Sinus bradycardia occurs when the heart rate falls below 60 .

  27. 本脉冲发生器可提供“室性再同步的双腔心动过缓的起搏治疗”。

    The pulse generator provides dual-chamber bradycardia pacing with ventricular resynchronization therapy .

  28. 窦性心动过缓好发生在近中段病变组。

    Sinus bradycardia was inclined to happen in proximal and middle segments .

  29. 探讨窦性心动过缓简便的药物治疗方法。

    Objective To explore the simple and convenient pharmacotherapy for sinus bradycardia .

  30. 家族性窦性心动过缓与心脏起搏离子通道突变相关

    Familial sinus bradycardia associated with a mutation in the cardiac pacemaker channel