
luó mǎ shén huà
  • Roman myth
  1. 基于希腊和罗马神话的暗示,我们得知占星术起源于天空中可以看到的星体。

    As Greek and Roman myth implies , Astrology 's origins are based on our observance of the visible Planets .

  2. “lunacy”这个表示“疯狂”的词源自“Luna”一罗马神话中月光女神的拉丁名。

    The word lunacy , meaning " madness ," is derived from Luna , the Latin name for the Roman goddess of the moon .

  3. January是以罗马神话中双面神杰纳斯(Janus)的名字命名的。他负责司守门户以及万物的始末——作为一年的开始,他很适合(尽管你会发现,其实并没有那么直观)。

    January is named after the Roman god Janus , who presided over doors and beginnings - appropriately enough , for the beginning of the year ( though this is , as you will discover , not as straightforward as it seems ) .

  4. 嫉妒之心&希腊罗马神话故事中人物的性格特征

    Jealousy & The Characters ' Dispositions in Greek and Roman Mythology

  5. 英语语言文化中的古希腊罗马神话

    Rethinking of Greek and Roman Mythology in English Language and Culture

  6. 希腊罗马神话典故成语和英语学习

    Allusive Idioms from Greek and Roman Mythology and English Study

  7. 英国浪漫主义诗歌与希腊、罗马神话情结解读

    On the Use of Greek and Roman Mythology in British Romantic Poetry

  8. 论希腊罗马神话的人本意识

    On the Humanism of the Mythologies of Greece and Rome

  9. 希腊罗马神话与中国神话的跨文化比较研究

    The Cross-cultural Comparison Study of the Greek Mythology and the Chinese Mythology

  10. 她所给他的喀尔比《寓言世界》和《希腊罗马神话》要深沉得多。

    She had given him understanding even more than Bulfinch and gayley .

  11. (罗马神话)洛缪拉斯的孪生兄弟。

    ( Roman mythology ) the twin brother of Romulus .

  12. 罗马神话中有许多关于仙女的故事。

    There are many stories about the nymphs in Roman fairy tales .

  13. 在罗马神话中,墨丘利是诸神的信使。

    In Roman mythology , mercury was the messenger of the gods .

  14. 他们绘了从历史的从希腊和罗马神话的场面和字符。

    They painted scenes from history and characters from Greek and Roman myths .

  15. 英语中来源于希腊罗马神话词汇的研究

    Study on Vocabulary Deriving from Greco - Roman Mythology

  16. 水星(丘利)是古代罗马神话中众神使者的名字。

    Mercury was the name of the messenger of the ancient Roman gods .

  17. 五彩纷呈的古希腊罗马神话世界

    The Colorful World of Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology

  18. (希腊和罗马神话)酒神巴克斯的牧师或信仰者。

    ( Greek & Roman mythology ) a priest or votary of Bacchus .

  19. 在古罗马神话中,他就叫做丘比特,其母是维纳斯。

    To the Roman 's he was Cupid , and his mother was Venus .

  20. 在希腊和罗马神话中,森林之神是半人半羊的样子。

    A satyr is half man and half goat in Greek and Roman mythology .

  21. 他研究希腊和罗马神话。

    He studies Greek and Roman mythology .

  22. 希腊罗马神话对西方文化产生了深远的影响,对英语的影响更是不容忽视。

    Greek and Roman Mythology has had profound and vast influence upon the western culture .

  23. 最后把小圆盘命名为罗马神话中的海神尼普顿。

    The planet was eventually named Neptune , after the Roman god of the sea .

  24. 瑰丽的想象隽永的哲思&古希腊罗马神话漫说

    Imposing Imagination in Company with Meaningful Philosophy & a talk about ancient Geek and Roman myths

  25. 诗意地栖居:古希腊罗马神话中的生态美学

    Ecological Aesthetics in Ancient Greco-Roman Mythology

  26. 本文主要是研究英语中来源于希腊罗马神话的词汇。

    This thesis is to study the words deriving from Greco-Roman mythology in the English language .

  27. 我是唯一一个名字不是来自希腊或罗马神话的星球。

    I 'm the only planet whose name doesn 't come from Greek or Roman mythology .

  28. 研究者说,这些研究是以代号“杰纳斯”(罗马神话中的两面神)计划的名义进行的。

    Researchers say the studies were conducted under a project codenamed Janus-the two-faced god of Roman mythology .

  29. 他把希腊神话和罗马神话中神的名字弄混了。

    He confused the names of the gods in the Greed myths with those in the Roman myths .

  30. 费罗拉是古罗马人心中的花神,也是罗马神话中青春的象征。

    Laura is the heart of ancient Rome for god , also is the Roman mythology symbol of youth .