
  • 网络The people of Rome;roman people;Populus Romanus
  1. 由于罗马平民的主体是外来的,因此平民与罗马人民同他们定居和劳动的土地的关系本质不同。

    The relationship between plebs and the lands they settled and working with in different nature , contrasting with that of the populus Romanus .

  2. 我会给罗马人民一个前所未有的憧憬。

    I will give the people the greatest vision of their lives .

  3. 我们已经把整个罗马人民给惹火了。

    Now we 've pissed off every ltalian in rome .

  4. 罗马人民对骑士们表示最崇高的敬意。

    Rome is most indebted to you noble knights .

  5. 他攻击总督就等于攻击元老院和罗马人民。

    His attack upon our governor is one upon the Senate and the people of rome .

  6. 除非身负军队任务,否则二十到四十岁的罗马人民不准离开意大利超过三年。

    Citizens of Rome between the ages of20 and40 were not allowed to leave Italy for more than three years unless they were on a military assignment .

  7. 这个表述出现在每份纪闻的末尾,宣告了信息向古罗马的所有人民公开。

    This expression was set in the end of the texts and proclaimed a release to both Roman citizens and non-citizens .

  8. 罗马统治者对行省人民的盘剥,为罗马帝国初期的繁荣提供了雄厚的物质基础。

    This thesis mainly discusses the plunder and exploitation of Rome on its provinces , and emphasized the reason on the prosperous of Early Empire .

  9. 埃拉加巴卢斯是一位罗马皇帝,比历史上的卡里古拉更加暴虐。罗马人民对他十分忌惮,因为他常常搞恶作剧。

    Elagabalus was a Roman emperor known for being more Caligula-esque than Caligula himself , and he was feared by the Roman people for his penchant for playing pranks .