
  • 网络Zhang
  1. 我用张红的名字订了一张桌子。

    I booked a table under the name Zhang Hong .

  2. 你是张红吗?

    Are you Zhang Hong ?

  3. 在第二个房间里,他们用带子把一张红纸捆起来。

    In the second , they taped up a sheet of red paper .

  4. 犹如一张红铜色的面具

    to a sort of dark copper mask .

  5. 在命题演讲中,比赛工作人员会在四分钟的时候举起一张红纸板,告诉演讲者他或者她还剩下一分钟的演讲时间。

    Now , during the prepared speech a competition staff member will raise a red paper board at the four minutemark to let the speaker know he or she has one minute left .