
zì xù
  • author's preface;preface;autobiographic note;brief account of oneself
自序 [zì xù]
  • (1) [author's preface;preface]∶作者自己写的序

  • (2) [autobiographic note;brief account of oneself]∶自述生平阅历的文章

自序[zì xù]
  1. 这本书有作者的自序。

    This book has a preface written by the author .

  2. 《区域经济与政治文明论稿》自序

    The author s preface of Disquisition on Regional Economy and Political Civilization

  3. 《汉族风俗史》自序

    Preface to Custom History of Han Chinese

  4. 从梅曾亮诗集自序中提出的“八蔽”说出发,来论述其诗学思想。

    On the preface of his poetry anthology Mei Zengliang proposed his poetry theory of " Ba-bi " .

  5. 此情可待成追忆&《激动人心的年代》新版自序

    The Feeling will Become a Memory to Recall & Author 's Preface to the New Edition of " The Exciting Years "

  6. 东北深震活动的自序性及近期活动趋势的初步研究

    A preliminary study of the orderliness of the , plutonic earthquake activity in the Northeast China and its tendency in the near future

  7. 我们认为自序一般包括写作背景交待、内容简介、致谢以及自我评价与预期四个部分;

    Specifically , self-made prefaces always consist of four sections , namely specification of the writing background , introduction of the content , acknowledgements and self-evaluation and prospect .

  8. 论文从该书编选背景入手,通过对其自序、凡例、诗人评价作讨论分析,探讨其作为元诗选集的独到之处。

    The paper begins from the editorial background of the book and analyzes or discusses the autobiography , notes on the use of a book and comments of the poets .