
  • 网络Self charging;Self-Refresh
  1. 内建的镍金属氢化物电池系统是自我充电;

    The onboard nickel-metal-hydride battery system is self-charging ;

  2. 数学应用意识的培养方式有两大类:自我充电、学校培训。

    There are two kinds of cultivation ways of the applied consciousness of mathematics-study by oneself and being trained in school .

  3. 每年四月份的春季大会自我充电之旅,将提供您往后一年飞得更高、更远的动力。

    And how you do the timely recharge of your battery in the spring time will determine how high and far you can reach in Toastmaster carrier during the year .

  4. 随着大量教育类企业家涉水在线学习,利用小段时间在线学习进行自我充电正在中国年轻群体中成为潮流。

    Self-empowering through online study by making use of small time slots is becoming a trend among young Chinese , as a large number of educational entrepreneurs venture into e-learning .

  5. 教师面临着当好“学生”,自我“充电”,加强素质教育、能力教育、创新教育、情商教育的艰巨任务。

    The teachers have a great challenge in teaching students well , im-proving self qualities education , talent education and innovation education .