
  • 网络Ron;Ron Weasley
  1. 你不会又把那份剪报拿出来现了吧,荣恩?

    Not flashing that clip about again , are you ron ?

  2. 荣恩的老鼠搞丢了。

    Ronald has lost his rat .

  3. 中国代表团感谢秘书长、哈荣恩大使和你本人就巴基斯坦水灾最新灾情和国际社会救援反应情况所做的介绍。

    The Chinese delegation wishes to thank Secretary-General , Ambassador Haroon , and you for the briefings on the latest developments of Pakistan floods and international relief efforts .

  4. 接下来这一段听起来很有哈利的风格:“哈利的鬼魂穿过广场走向城堡,皮料一般密布的雨帘鞭打着他的鬼魂。荣恩站在那里,发疯似的跳着踢踏舞。”

    And the following sounds plausibly Pottery : " Leathery sheets of rain lashed at Harry 's ghost as he walked across the grounds towards the castle . Ron was standing there and doing a kind of frenzied tap dance . "