
  • 网络Downtime
  1. 应用修订包可以主动阻止潜在的问题,也有助于最小化与DB2相关的应用系统的宕机时间。

    Applying fix packs allows you to be proactive in preventing potential errors , and it also helps minimize the potential downtime of DB2 related application systems .

  2. 在一些云环境(比如Google或Azure)中,只要对部署进行了良好规划,就可以实现零宕机时间和无生产中断的部署。

    In some cloud environments ( like Google or Azure ), it is possible to support deployment with zero downtime and no production disruptions provided the deployments are well planned .

  3. 因此,SP需要面向服务的故障管理机制,在服务发生故障时能迅速定位故障并采取相应措施,以缩短服务宕机时间和性能降级时间。

    Therefore , in order to shorten the unavailable and performance degradation period when a service failure happens , SP needs service oriented fault management to localize the fault and take counter measures .

  4. 一些资源更改需要重新启动,这会产生应用程序宕机时间。

    Some resource changes require a restart , which results in application downtime .

  5. 您通常会关注响应时间、吞吐率和宕机时间。

    You 're typically interested in response times , throughput rates , and downtime .

  6. 高可用性&有了复制与容错的托管配置,宕机时间可以最小化。

    High Availability – Downtime can be minimized with replication and fault tolerant hosted configurations .

  7. 它可以在数据迁移时减少甚至消除宕机时间。

    It can reduce or even eliminate system downtime when you want to do data migration .

  8. 这对于生产环境至关重要,因为在生产环境中必须将宕机时间减至最低,并且最近已知的正确配置是非常重要的资产。

    This is crucial in production environments where downtime must be kept at a minimum and last-known good configurations are crucial assets .

  9. 这些工具的优势是消除了部署不完整的风险,而且也可加速部署流程,进而最大限度减少宕机时间。

    These tools have the benefit of diminishing the risk of an incomplete deployment and can also accelerate the process , thereby minimizing the downtime .

  10. 虚拟会议节约了数十万(以美元计算)旅行和会议费用,消除了参与者的旅行宕机时间。

    The virtual conference saved hundreds of thousands ( in US $ ) in travel and conference costs and eliminated travel " down-time " for participants .

  11. 我前面已提到过,在过渡期间,每个部署都会暴露服务的故障风险以及潜在的宕机时间。

    As I already alluded to , every deployment exposes the service to a risk of failure , as well as potential downtime , during the transition .

  12. 在保证迁移性能和系统可靠性的同时,减少迭代时间和宕机时间。(2)提出了基于复杂业务的动态负载均衡策略。

    Such method can reduce both downtime and migration time while guarantying migration performance and system reliability . ( 2 ) We propose a service-based dynamic load balancing strategy based on complicated application .

  13. 以下的情况经常会出现:接口不可用,因为需要使用补丁修复错误;或者开发人员必须安排宕机时间来处理活动测试窗口中的接口。

    Situations always arise where an interface is unavailable because it needs a patch to resolve an issue , or developers must schedule downtime to work with an interface within an active testing window .

  14. 如果没有备用目标可用,则可以通过同步队列管理器迁移和应用程序宕机来减少宕机时间。

    If there are no alternate destinations available , you can minimise downtime by synchronising queue manager migration with application downtime .