
ɡāo lì dài zhě
  • usurer;loan shark
  1. 高利贷者压榨穷人。

    The usurer squeezed the poor people .

  2. 他把房子抵押给放高利贷者,借款3万镑。

    He mortgaged his house to the usurer for & 30000 .

  3. 那个放高利贷者用高利息把我的钱全部榨光了。

    The moneylender has been bleeding me white with high rate of interest .

  4. 高利贷者是吸血鬼,他们吸干了我们的血汗。

    The usurers are leeches ; they have drained us dry .

  5. 这个阶级由两部分人组成,即粮商和高利贷者。

    Composed of two divisions , grain dealers and money dealers .

  6. 高利贷者愿提供帮助,但要索取沉重的代价。

    Moneylenders offer help , but extort a heavy price .

  7. 换句话说,高利贷者就是披者人皮的鬼。

    In other words , the usurers are a devil in human shape .

  8. 例如,夏洛克是一个放高利贷者,但又不是一个一般化的放高利贷者;

    Thus Shylock is a usurer , yet not a usurer in general ;

  9. 他很不幸欠了高利贷者一大笔款。

    He had the misfortune to owe a huge sum to a moneylender .

  10. 民间借贷始于家庭内部,但高利贷者迅速进入市场。

    Private lending started within families but loan sharks quickly entered the market .

  11. 决不要与高利贷者打交道。

    Never do business with a loan shark .

  12. 夏洛克是莎士比亚戏剧《威尼斯商人》中残酷无情的高利贷者。

    Shylock is the ruthless usurer in Shakespeare 's play The Merchant of Venice .

  13. 爱情是一个极端苛刻的高利贷者。

    Love , an extremely exacting usurer .

  14. 明代高利贷者的社会构成

    Social Construction of Ming Dai Usurers

  15. 那些厚颜无耻的高利贷者为了防止万一,总是要求保留一把贷款人的汽车钥匙。

    Outrageously , lenders often demand to keep a spare set of keys , just in case .

  16. 在固定利率市场利率作为基准利率,而不是高利贷者'率。

    In fixing the interest rate market interest rate is taken as the reference rate , rather than the moneylenders'rate .

  17. 帝国主义、大资产阶级和高利贷者的剥削,使他们处在破产的威胁中。

    They live under the threat of bankruptcy as a result of exploitation by imperialism , the big bourgeoisie and the usurers .

  18. 在欧洲文学作品中,犹太人一般以贪婪、守财、狡黠、多虑的高利贷者、投机奸商等形象出现,且处于陪衬基督徒形象的从属地位。

    In European literature , Jews are usually characterized as usurers and profiteers who are avaricious , mean , cunning and full of anxiety .

  19. 在现在这个研究中,我试图说明单纯地谴责土地所有者或甚至是高利贷者为邪恶的人是不对的。

    In the present study , I have tried to show that it is incorrect to condemn landowners and even usurers as wicked persons .

  20. 据分析人士们介绍,国有银行有望净化被私人高利贷者控制的校园借贷市场。

    The state-owned banks are expected to cleanse the campus loan market , which has been controlled by private loan sharks , according to analysts .

  21. 但据魏刚的一个朋友和包头房地产业内人士说,魏刚从高利贷者手中借了很多钱,今年开始还款出现困难。

    But he borrowed heavily from loan sharks , and started to run into repayment difficulties this year , according to a friend of Mr. Wei 's and people in Baotou 's real-estate industry .

  22. 而在每个氏族团体中,也表现出利益的冲突,这种冲突由于富人和穷人、高利贷者和债务人结合于同一氏族和同一部落中而达到最尖锐的地步。

    And this conflict of interests was at work within every gentile body , appearing in its most extreme form in the association of rich and poor , usurers and debtors , in the same gens and the same tribe .

  23. 三十年代,川陕边区的地方割据、军阀混战以及官、绅、军、匪以及高利贷者和投机商人对川陕边人民的残暴统治和压迫,使得川陕边区的社会矛盾空前尖锐;

    In the 20 's and 30 's , the social conflict was unprecedentedly sharp , due to the separatist regime , warlords , tangled warfares and the cruel control and oppression made by the governors , landlords , army officials , bandits , and usurers upon the people here .