
gāo jiǎo bēi
  • goblet;tallboy;pokal;standing cup
高脚杯 [gāo jiǎo bēi]
  • [standing cup] 一种有长脚的酒杯

高脚杯[gāo jiǎo bēi]
  1. 就是装满红酒的高脚杯也无法诱我离开。

    Not a full , blushing goblet could tempt me to leave it .

  2. 像一只精美的绿色高脚杯般鸣响着,每个音符

    Rang like some fine green goblet in the note

  3. 他正把冰块和柠檬汽水倒进高脚杯里。

    He was pouring ice and lemonade into tall glasses .

  4. 曲奇就应该搭配高脚杯的天然柠檬汁一起享用。

    Cookies are just the thing to serve with tall glasses of real lemonade .

  5. 杰斐逊不喜欢别人作为礼物送给他的一对高脚杯,就请当地的一个工匠把酒杯熔毁了。

    When Jefferson didn 't like a pair of goblets given to him as a gift , he asked a local smith to melt them down

  6. 大家都知道你特喜欢小法的DNA,做梦都想着哪一天把小法的DNA搁在高脚杯里像品葡萄酒一样喝掉,不过千万不要打他的头和心脏的主意。

    We know you love Cesc 's DNA , and long to slurp it up from ornate goblets , but please do not mention it , his head or his heart .

  7. 我独自坐在一个黑暗的房间里,一只手拿着装水的高脚杯,另一只手拿着iPhone。

    I was sitting alone in a dark room , a tall glass of water in one hand , my iPhone in the other .

  8. 桌上摆满了闪闪发光的金制的碟子和高脚杯。

    These tables were laid with glittering golden plates and goblets .

  9. 冰饮料勺:用于高脚杯的饮料或甜点。

    Iced beverage spoon : any tall beverage or dessert .

  10. 我没有把名字放进那只高脚杯。

    I didn 't put my name in that cup .

  11. 打开盖子,把奶昔倒入高脚杯中。

    Remove the lid and pour the smoothie into a tall glass .

  12. 还有那六个手工水晶高脚杯也很别致。

    Site added six hand-cut crystal goblets , and paused .

  13. 我得再调一套高脚杯。

    I 'm going to need the backup stemware .

  14. 通常来讲,冰茶都是放在有冰的高脚杯中卖的。

    Ice tea is almost always served in a tall glass of ice .

  15. 香槟酒被从金色的高脚杯里一饮而尽。

    The champagne was quaffed from huge golden goblets .

  16. 今天我们来学习把动物变成高脚杯。

    Today we will transform animal into water goblet .

  17. 郁金香型的高脚杯。

    A tulip shaped glass on a stem .

  18. 你的肚脐像一个圆形的高脚杯。

    Thy navel is like a round goblet .

  19. 如果你有高脚杯就乘坐它离开这里。

    If you have the chalice hop on and ride it out of here .

  20. 喔,胸部的高脚杯!

    Oh the goblets of the breast !

  21. 一只口渴难耐的鸽子看见公告板上画着一个盛满水的高脚杯。

    PIGEON , oppressed by excessive thirst , saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard .

  22. 安德烈公爵站起来,拿着高脚杯,踮起脚尖走到小床前。

    Prince Andrey got up and went on tiptoe to the crib with the glass in his hand .

  23. 轻快的欢声笑语,顺着高脚杯的优美曲线散落成滴,注入每一个享受生活的时刻。

    The agreeable happiness is dropping among the beautiful curve of goblet , and moving into every moment of life .

  24. 无数根蜡烛停在半空中,照着四张围满了人的长桌子,照得那些金色的盘子和高脚杯闪闪发光。

    Innumerable candles were hovering in midair over four long , crowded tables , making the golden plates and goblets sparkle .

  25. 而酒杯的款式更是花样百出各路酒杯可谓平分秋色,不论是典型的啤酒马克杯,品脱杯,斯坦杯还是那么多种类的红酒高脚杯,悉数粉墨登场。

    The glass styles are split about evenly between the typical beer-style mugs , pints , steins , and plenty of wine-style flutes .

  26. 我迅速往几个高脚杯中倒了些阿尔卑斯蒿酒,然后再在杯中倒满了香槟。

    Hastily , I poured a dose of G é n é py des Alpes into several flutes and filled the rest with Champagne .

  27. 公爵小姐玛丽亚耸耸肩,但是顺从地拿起一只高脚杯,把保姆叫来,开始让小孩喝药。

    Princess Marya shrugged her shoulders but obediently she took the glass , and calling the nurse , began giving the child the medicine .

  28. 身着一袭宽大的睡袍,端着红酒摇荡的高脚杯,在宽阔的空间赤足行走。

    Wearing the generous nightgown , carrying the goblet with flowing wine , she is walking in the broad living room with the bare feet .

  29. 这杯咖啡来得非常高贵:一只装甜点用的玻璃高脚杯里,咖啡闪着水晶般的光芒。这是我喝过的最纯美的速溶咖啡。

    It arrived grandly - shining crystals in a stemware dessert glass - and proved to be the best instant coffee I had ever tasted .

  30. 侍者又往杯子里倒酒,酒溢了出来,顺着高脚杯的脚流进了一叠茶托的第一只茶托。

    The waiter poured on into the glass so that the brandy slopped over and ran down the stem into the top saucer of the pile .