
  • due diligence;CDD;diligencing
  1. Yu表示:第一阶段是业务尽职调查。

    The first stage would be operational due diligence , says Yu .

  2. 值得注意的是,另一个战略投资方据信是通用电气(GeneralElectric)也和黑石签署了一个保密协议,以对戴尔的金融服务业务开展尽职调查。

    Worth noting that another strategic party believed to be General Electric ( GE ) signed a joiner to Blackstone 's non-disclosure agreement , in order to conduct due diligence on DFS .

  3. 去年她还与一个名为拯救儿童(SavetheChildren)的客户前去孟加拉国实地考察某个项目以及如何开展此类尽职调查。

    Last year she went to Bangladesh with her client Save the Children to see one of its projects first-hand , and how such due diligence is put into action .

  4. 值得注意的是,另一个战略投资方——据信是通用电气(GeneralElectric)——也和黑石签署了一个保密协议,以对戴尔的金融服务业务开展尽职调查。

    Worth noting that another strategic party -- believed to be General Electric ( GE ) -- signed a joiner to Blackstone 's non-disclosure agreement , in order to conduct due diligence on DFS .

  5. 美国纽约大学斯坦恩商学院(SternSchoolofBusiness)的研究表明,在正式的尽职调查期间,五分之一的对冲基金经理就自己的基金或基金业绩向投资者作出不实陈述。

    One in five hedge fund managers misrepresents their fund or its performance to investors during formal due diligence investigations , research from New York University 's Stern School of Business suggests .

  6. 一位知情人士透露,sac资本已经完成尽职调查,双方达成交易“为期不远”。

    A person with knowledge of the situation said sac had completed due diligence and that a deal was " not far away " .

  7. 自去年马多夫(madoff)丑闻爆发以来,投资者在尽职调查方面的努力已不再仅限于核对基金账户。

    Since the Madoff scandal last year , investor due diligence efforts have moved beyond fund account-checking .

  8. 惠普表示,德勤(deloitte)和毕马威(kpmg)在做尽职调查时没有提出警告。

    HP said no red flags were raised when due diligence was carried out by Deloitte and KPMG .

  9. 许多拒绝了抵制与马多夫相关的投资工具的投资者和咨询师表示,对于任何进行适度尽职调查(duediligence)的对冲基金来说,一些“危险信号”足够起到警示作用了。

    Many investors and consultants who rejected madoff-linked investment vehicles have said some of the " red flags " should have been warning enough for any hedge fund carrying out proper due diligence .

  10. FathomChina建议机构投资者展开某种尽职调查,包括核实客户是否存在、生产设施是否处于运营之中,以及已宣布的收购是否已完成。

    Fathom China advises institutional investors to conduct the sort of due diligence that would include verifying clients exist , that production facilities are in operation and that declared acquisitions have been completed .

  11. 如果经理人在策略、股票分析、市场声誉与道德行为方面达到了要求的标准,abs就会展开业务尽职调查。

    If the manager meets the required standard for its strategy , analysis of stocks , reputation in the market and ethical behaviour , ABS then conducts operational due diligence .

  12. 投资者、律师和监管人士纷纷质疑,银行家们是否对其中某些IPO进行了充分的尽职调查,或者说,调查标准是否在这股热潮中有所放松。

    Investors , lawyers and regulators are questioning whether bankers carried out adequate due diligence on some of these IPOs or whether standards slipped in the heat of the boom .

  13. AngelCapitalAssociation和AngelResourceInstitute:这是两个相关实体,代表美国的天使投资者,并向天使投资者和企业家提供培训,内容包罗万象,从如何开展尽职调查到如何推销创意。

    Angel Capital Association and Angel Resource Institute : Two related entities , which represent US angel investors and provide education to both angels and entrepreneurs about everything from carrying out due diligence to pitching an idea .

  14. 在最糟糕的情况下,投资条款清单几乎还不足一页a4纸,尽职调查也往往十分粗略。

    In the worst cases , term sheets barely covered an A4 Sheet of paper and due diligence was often cursory .

  15. 在Dropbox文件夹中汇总一套尽职调查材料,方便他们调取查看。

    Assemble a collection of diligence materials in a Dropbox folder that you can give them access to .

  16. 两名与这起收购关系密切的人士透露,此次交易的尽职调查是由德勤(deloitte)和安永(ernst&young)完成的。

    Deloitte and Ernst & Young conducted due diligence for the transaction , according to two people close to the deal .

  17. 基本上,ROI评估是不科学的;它们是用以构建指导同盟的尽职调查,在组织变革的某些特定方面进行投资。

    Fundamentally , ROI estimates are not science ; they are due diligence exercises to build a guiding coalition , and to gain buy-in on certain aspects of organizational change .

  18. 罗逸铭表示,ADM在上海建立了一个大型团队,该团队负责与收购中国农企厂家相关的谈判事宜,尽职调查,及审计工作。

    Archer Daniels Midland has built a large team in Shanghai that can negotiate acquisitions of agribusiness factories in China , do due diligence and conduct audits , Mr. Roig said .

  19. 由于时间非常紧张,加上美联储(Fed)和美国财政部也在敦促其在3月17日周一股市开盘前敲定这笔交易,摩根大通不得不快速完成通常需要耗时数周的尽职调查流程。

    With the clock ticking and the Federal Reserve and Treasury breathing down its neck to clinch a deal before the markets opened on Monday , the bank had to rush a due diligence process that would normally take weeks .

  20. 首先,Fairfax本身并没有完成尽职调查;再者,Fairfax有权随时终止交易,但却不用交一分钱的违约金。

    For starters , Fairfax had not yet conducted due diligence , and had the right to terminate the deal without paying any penalty .

  21. 房地产投资管理集团goodmanpropertyinvestors亚洲投资策略主管约翰苏(johnsu)表示,某些国家缺乏透明度,使尽职调查难以进行,这是另一个障碍。

    And the lack of transparency in some countries , which makes due diligence difficult , is another obstacle , says John Su , director of investment strategy in Asia at Goodman property investors , the property investment and management group .

  22. 事实上,CFO凯希•莱斯加克就曾坚决反对这桩收购,惠特曼后来任命她负责惠普的并购尽职调查。

    In fact , CFO Cathy Lesjak , who Whitman later appointed to oversee M & A due diligence at HP , took a firm stand against the acquisition .

  23. 但该公司的尽职调查起步较晚,而且此宗出售交易基本上是麦格纳与rhj两家之间的较量。

    But it began due diligence later , and the sale is essentially a two-way race between magna and RHJ .

  24. CobaltPartners为私人股本公司进行针对董事长和首席执行官的尽职调查,公司的萨宾娜•加德纳(SabineGardener)说,她永远都不会想去调查别人在20多岁时做了什么事情。

    Sabine Gardener from Cobalt Partners , which does due diligence on chairmen and chief executives for private equity companies , said she would never dream of checking what someone did in their early 20s .

  25. 熟悉竞购过程的人士表示,竞购horizon的最终申请须在今年9月底前提交,相关尽职调查工作现已启动,包括本周早些时候horizon管理层、英国政府官员以及东芝西屋代表将进行的会谈。

    People familiar with the bidding process say detailed due diligence work has now started on submitting final bids for horizon by the end of September , including meetings early this week between horizon management , government officials and representatives of Toshiba Westinghouse .

  26. 但关键问题在于,作为奥林匹克运动领导机构的国际奥委会(IOC)是否有这样的准备,即在事前进行充分的尽职调查,而不是轻信举办城市的口头承诺。

    But the key issue is whether the International Olympic Committee , the games " organising body , is prepared to do proper due diligence beforehand and not take the host 's promises at face value .

  27. 尽职调查的工作将更为繁重,整个交易可能会花费更长时间,因为买家将假定适用货物出门概不退换(caveatemptor)原则。

    Due diligence will be more onerous , and the whole affair is likely to take much longer , because the purchaser will assume caveat emptor applies .

  28. 但据一位了解该交易内情、也熟悉TPG的人士透露,TPG在尽职调查过程中发现了一些东西,所以决定取消交易。

    But TPG uncovered things in the course of that due diligence that led the firm to call off the deal , a person familiar with the transaction and with TPG said .

  29. 在周一的新闻稿中,RSA证实其与苏黎世之间的讨论已经终止,但称苏黎世的尽职调查“没有发现任何妨碍交易继续进行的因素”。

    In a news release on Monday , RSA confirmed that its discussions with Zurich had ended , but that Zurich 's due diligence review " had not found anything that would have prevented them from proceeding with the transaction . "

  30. 几位掌握一手信息的知情人士透露,两家公司的谈判已经取得了进展,环球影视的母公司康卡斯特(Comcast)正在进行尽职调查。

    Several sources with first-hand knowledge of the situation say that negotiations between the two companies have progressed to the stage where nbcu parent company Comcast is conducting its due diligence .