
  • 网络strategic investor;strategy investors
  1. 知情人士称,华为技术(HuaweiTechnologies)正计划向一家外部战略投资者出售其手机及移动设备部门的部分股份。

    Huawei Technologies is looking to sell a stake in its handset and mobile devices division to an external strategic investor , according to people familiar with the company 's plans .

  2. BG帮助他们拿定主意的一个方式,将是向战略投资者出售股份。

    One way for BG to help them make up their minds would be to sell a stake to a strategic investor .

  3. 该公司ipo募股书包含了许多限制性条款,以防范可能想要获取公司控制权的主权财富基金或美国以外的战略投资者。

    Its IPO prospectus includes many deterrents to sovereign wealth funds or strategic non-US investors that might want to assume control .

  4. 银行家们表示,友邦保险引入战略投资者,将有助于为在更具挑战性的市场中进行ipo奠定基础。

    The presence of strategic investors in AIA would help provide a foundation for the IPO in more challenging markets , bankers said .

  5. 京东已经从一些有声望的战略投资者那里募集到了资金,包括在美国投资了Facebook和团购网站Groupon的数字天空技术公司(DigitalSkyTechnologies)。

    It has already raised a whopping $ 1.5bn from a group of high-profile strategic investors including Digital Sky Technologies , which invested in Facebook and discount buying website Groupon in the US .

  6. 把上市工作和向战略投资者出售少数股权结合在一起,已成为一种惯例,尤其经常出现在规模宏大且难度可能较大的首次公开发行(IPO)上。

    Combining a flotation with the sale of a minority stake to a strategic investor is an established practice . It has been used particularly in large , potentially difficult IPOs .

  7. 然而,今年锁定期一结束,包括瑞银(ubs)和苏格兰皇家银行(rbs)在内的许多战略投资者就立即出售了手中所持股份。

    However , many strategic investors , including UBS and Royal Bank of Scotland , sold their stakes this year as soon as lock-ins expired .

  8. 熔盛重工集团总裁陈强今年早些时候表示,该公司计划在IPO前向战略投资者出售至多25%的股份。

    Chen Qiang , Rongsheng 's president , said earlier this year that his company was planning to sell as much as 25 per cent to strategic investors prior to its IPO .

  9. 国有的越南保险公司(BaoViet)透露,该公司已选定汇丰作为其上市前的唯一战略投资者。预计该公司将于2009年进行首次公开发行(IPO)。

    State-owned Bao Viet disclosed that it had chosen the world 's fourth largest bank to be its sole strategic investor before an anticipated initial public offering in 2009 .

  10. 在香港股市下跌的情况下,中国最大全国零售商的股票收盘上涨69%。经确认,美国私人股本基金贝恩资本(BainCapital)已成为该公司新的战略投资者。

    Shares in China 's biggest nationwide retailer closed up 69 per cent in a falling Hong Kong market after Bain Capital , the US private equity fund , was confirmed as its new strategic investor .

  11. 大型国有银行全面改革内部结构,向美国银行(bankofamerica)、苏格兰皇家银行(royalbankofscotland)和高盛(goldmansachs)等战略投资者出售股份,随后在香港和上海上市。

    The largest state-owned banks have overhauled their internal structures and sold shares to strategic investors such as Bank of America , Royal Bank of Scotland and Goldman Sachs before listing on the Hong Kong and Shanghai stock markets .

  12. spotify还在与另一个战略投资者谈判,分析师称,这名投资者可能来自音乐行业。

    Spotify is also talking to another strategic investor , which analysts said was likely to be from the music industry .

  13. 十多年里,X城市商业银行经历了改制创新,快速发展,引入战略投资者等一系列过程,处于争取实现上市经营、跨区域经营的战略转型阶段。

    Within over 10 years , X city commercial bank experienced a series of process of rapid development such as restructuring innovation , introducing of strategic investors , etc. Now it is in the pursuit of market operators and inter-regional strategic business transformation .

  14. 而作为西南地区城市商业银行领跑者的C银行借成功引进战略投资者的机会,正着力打造个人金融业务,为丰富产品品种,做大做强,势必推出信用卡业务。

    C Bank , as the leader bank of city commercial banks in Southwest China , gets the chance of introducing strategic investors successfully , attaches much importance on creating personal financial business , and launches credit card business in order to enrich product variety and become more competitive .

  15. 力拓(RioTinto)与加拿大艾芬豪矿业(IvanhoeMines)围绕一座蒙古铜金矿的纠纷昨日升级。总部位于温哥华的艾芬豪暗示,它正向第三方战略投资者打开大门。

    A dispute between Rio Tinto and Canada 's Ivanhoe Mines over a Mongolian copper and gold mine escalated yesterday when the Vancouver-based company suggested it was opening the door to third-party strategic investors .

  16. 美国法律还规定,购买上市公司5%以上股份的战略投资者,必须向美国证交会(SEC)提交13D文件。

    US law also requires a strategic investor who buys more than 5 per cent of a listed company to file a 13D form with the Securities and Exchange Commission .

  17. 美国国际集团(aig)亚太区寿险业务总裁麦智信(markwilson)表示,陷入困境的aig受到了诸多战略投资者的垂青,他们都迫切竞购其亚洲旗舰资产的股权。

    AIG , the troubled international insurance group , has been overwhelmed with interest from strategic investors keen to bid for stakes in its flagship assets in Asia , says Mark Wilson , President of life insurance operations in Asia Pacific .

  18. 光大银行将效仿中国银行(boc)和中国工商银行(icbc)等大型竞争对手的重组模式,引入至少一个战略投资者,并公开发行上市,而最有可能的上市地点是上海和香港。

    Everbright will follow the restructuring model of larger competitors such as Bank of China and industrial and Commercial Bank of China by introducing at least one foreign strategic investor and selling shares to the public , most likely in Shanghai and Hong Kong .

  19. 雷曼拒绝就战略投资者发表评论。不过雷曼的高层表示,他们并不希望出售资产管理部门(其中包括NeubergerBerman),但是由于缺少战略投资者,他们只得如此行事。

    Lehman declined to comment on strategic investors but its executives said they did not want to sell the asset management unit , which includes Neuberger Berman , but their hand had been forced by the lack of strategic investors .

  20. 一位雷曼高管承认,该集团本不愿意出售neuberger的多数股权,但在从战略投资者获取资金注入的努力失败后,不得不推进出售计划。

    A senior Lehman executive admitted the group was reluctant to part with a majority stake in Neuberger but was forced to press ahead with the sale after failing to secure a capital infusion from a strategic investor .

  21. 引入战略投资者,实现经营管理国际化。

    To introduce strategy investors , and achieve operational management internationalization .

  22. 外国战略投资者参与进来,提供专业技术。

    Foreign strategic investors came on board to supply technical expertise .

  23. 中资银行引入战略投资者的潜在风险研究

    Potential Risks of Introducing Foreign Strategic Investors by Chinese Banking Sectors

  24. 境外战略投资者与中国银行业的竞争与合作

    External strategic investor and competition and cooperation of the Chinese banking

  25. 引入国际战略投资者,改变目前国有独资的格局。

    Inducting international strategic investor , changing present ownership only by SASAC .

  26. 我国农村商业银行引进战略投资者问题研究

    An Analysis on Introducing Strategic Investors for Rural Commercial Banks

  27. 国有商业银行引进境外战略投资者的思考

    Some Thoughts on the State-owned Commercial Banks Introducing Strategy Investors

  28. 国内银行引进境外战略投资者的喜与忧论国有商业银行引进境外战略投资者的必要性

    Importance of Introducing Foreign Strategic Investors into State-owned Commercial Banks

  29. 预计农行和国开行都不会引入外国战略投资者。

    Neither ABC nor CDB is expected to introduce foreign strategic investors .

  30. 该银行也欢迎外国战略投资者。

    The bank is also open to strategic foreign investors .