
  1. 在经济上实行统制政策,运用军事政治手段在东北强行建立为日本掠夺战争资源服务的殖民地区域经济体系。

    It carried out the policy of economic control and established the colonial regional economic system serving Japanese plundering war resources by means of military affairs and administration .

  2. 我希望在此明确表示:从来没有人提出过在2010年之前部署部队的方案,因此,在审议期间没有发生延误或拒绝提供必要战争资源的情况。

    Now , let me be clear : There has never been an option before me that called for troop deployments before 2010 , so there has been no delay or denial of resources necessary for the conduct of the war during this review period .

  3. 战争人力资源与物力资源配置的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Military Labor and Material Resources Allocation

  4. 作为“预先的计划”,战略解决的是战争的资源分配。

    As the " plan on paper ," strategy deals with the allocation of resources for the battle .

  5. 然而,美国向反恐战争投入的资源令人难以置信。

    Yet incredible resources have been poured into the war on terror .

  6. 战争对国家资源的消耗日益严重。

    The war was becoming a serious drain on the nation 's resources .

  7. 信息是现代战争的战略资源,信息战是未来战争的主要形式,电子信息战是战场信息战的主体。

    And the opinion that the near space is the important battle field of future electronic information warfare is advanced .

  8. 21世纪的战争是围绕资源设计的,新型军队对内要能保护领土、领海内的资源;

    The21st century war is a resource designed around the new army to be able to protect the domestic territory , territorial waters resources ;

  9. 为了适应军事现代化和经济建设现代化的需求,尤其是在海洋战争和海洋资源开发利用的方面,需要开发机动性、隐蔽性更高的水下平台。

    In order to adapt to military and economic modernization especially in warring in ocean and making use of the resource of ocean , underwater platform must be developed to be more maneuverable and obscure .

  10. 高技术局部战争对军事经济资源配置的影响及对策初探

    Influence of high-tech war on military economic resources distribution and Countermeasures

  11. 美国独立战争前,自然资源丰富,尤其是土地辽阔肥沃、矿产和水力资源充足为美国经济发展提供了自然禀赋基础;

    There are abundant natural resources , especially the large and fertile soil and land , mine , water way and waterpower ;

  12. 此外,阿富汗战争消耗了大量资源,削弱了我们在世界各地反恐的能力。

    Meanwhile , our ability to combat threats around the world is sapped by the huge drain on resources caused by the Afghan war .

  13. 国际斗争中存在的电子对抗行为引发了各种国际法律问题,涉及到战争法、电磁资源利用、国家安全和主权等方面。

    The electronic countermeasure which has existed caused all kinds of international legal issue that involves the laws of war , the utilization of electromagnetic sources , national sovereignty and security .

  14. 而上述商文化西渐过程的发生以及不同阶段各种差异的产生,是由战争的扩张和资源的抢占两方面原因所造成的。

    However , the above western development of Shang Culture and various differences during its process were caused by there factors : war expansion , resources seizure together with cultural communication .