
jǐn guǎn
  • although;despite;while;even if;even though;notwithstanding;when;after;always;albeit;not hesitate to;anyway;feel free to;all the time;as
尽管 [jǐn guǎn]
  • (1) [feel free to;not hesitate to]∶表示不必考虑别的,放心去做,相当于只管

  • 有困难尽管说

  • (2) [always;all the time] 〈方〉∶老是;总是

  • 她尽管笑,不爱说话

  • (3) [although;while;when]∶表示姑且承认某种事实,下文往往转折

  • 尽管费了好大力气,也没成功

尽管[jǐn guǎn]
  1. 尽管有飓风警报,人们仍然在大海里游泳。

    People were swimming in the ocean despite the hurricane warning .

  2. 尽管遭到强烈反对,执政党还是获胜了。

    Despite strong opposition , the ruling party carried the day .

  3. 尽管输了,但队员表现得极为勇猛。

    Although the team lost , they played with tremendous spirit .

  4. 尽管下着倾盆大雨,他们仍在9:30准时到达了。

    They duly arrived at 9.30 in spite of torrential rain .

  5. 尽管以前素未谋面,但他们相处融洽。

    They got on well together although they were total strangers .

  6. 您要是需要什么,请尽管吩咐。

    If you need anything , I am at your service .

  7. 尽管太阳高照,却不很暖和。

    Although the sun was shining it wasn 't very warm .

  8. 尽管情况非常不利,他们仍得到了胜利。

    They secured a victory in the face of overwhelming odds .

  9. 尽管有语言障碍,他们还是相爱了。

    They fell in love in spite of the language barrier .

  10. 尽管他的思想屡遭非难,他似乎仍然百折不挠。

    He seemed undaunted by all the opposition to his idea .

  11. 尽管国际上明令禁止,核试验又在进行了。

    Nuclear testing was resumed in defiance of an international ban .

  12. 尽管经济衰退,公司对进一步扩展仍充满信心。

    Despite the recession the company is confident of further expansion .

  13. 尽管勉强,他最后还是同意帮助我们。

    He finally agreed , albeit reluctantly , to help us .

  14. 尽管他喊叫,却没有人来帮助他。

    Despite his cries , no one came to his assistance .

  15. 尽管公众强烈反对,这项提案仍将付诸实施。

    The proposal will go ahead despite strong objections from the public .

  16. 尽管冷枪不断,但救援人员仍然留在这一地区。

    Aid workers remain in the area despite continuous sniping .

  17. 尽管天气恶劣,德比马赛仍将举行。

    The Derby will be run in spite of the bad weather .

  18. 尽管快80岁了,他还是十分活跃。

    Although he 's nearly 80 , he is still very active .

  19. 你要是不懂,尽管问好了。

    Don 't be afraid to ask if you don 't understand .

  20. 他们尽管性格不同,但仍然友情甚笃。

    They are firm friends in spite of temperamental differences .

  21. 如果想用那辆车,你就尽管用吧。

    You can take the car , if you want .

  22. 尽管他很失望,他还是勉强露出一丝淡淡的微笑。

    In spite of his disappointment , he managed a weak smile .

  23. 尽管天气恶劣,活动还是取得了巨大的成功。

    The bad weather notwithstanding , the event was a great success .

  24. 尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。

    Despite the power cuts , the hospital continued to function normally .

  25. 尽管她已尽心竭力,但是仍然找不到工作。

    Despite her earnest efforts , she could not find a job .

  26. 我们的失败是意料中的事,尽管如此,还是令人失望。

    Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless .

  27. 他已筋疲力尽,尽管他极力否认这一点。

    Despite his protestation to the contrary , he was extremely tired .

  28. 有什么话,你尽管说出来!

    If you 've got something to say , spit it out !

  29. 她尽管年事渐高,仍然十分活跃。

    She is still very active , in spite of her advancing years .

  30. 尽管当地居民反对,建筑工程将照样进行。

    The building work will go ahead , despite protests from local residents .