
jué duì jià zhí
  • absolute value
  1. 其中之一是关注相对价值还是绝对价值。

    One is whether to focus on relative or absolute value .

  2. 他最近写道:遗憾的是,绝对价值理论在经济学领域并不是很管用。

    Unfortunately , absolute value theories don 't work very well in economics , he wrote recently .

  3. 投资机构SanfordBernstein的分析师沃伯顿(MaxWarburton)说,假设经济扩张能够持续,按绝对价值计算,戴姆勒和宝马看上去非常具有吸引力,因为它们基本面强劲,估值很低。

    " Assuming ongoing economic expansion , Daimler and BMW look very attractive in absolute terms , with robust fundamentals and very low valuations ," Sanford Bernstein analyst Max Warburton said .

  4. 按绝对价值计算,新本地生产总值数列稍大于旧数列。

    In absolute terms , the new GDP series is slightly higher than the old series .

  5. 按绝对价值计算,银行敞口最大的是奥地利、德国、意大利和法国。

    In absolute terms the largest exposure is by banks from Austria , Germany , Italy and France .

  6. 奈承认,未来10年内,以绝对价值衡量的中国经济规模多半也会超过美国。

    Nye concedes that the Chinese economy will also probably surpass that of the US in absolute terms during the next decade .

  7. 这是人类情感的绝对价值——喜悦的大事,有时在芮氏地震仪上显示出彻底的创伤;

    This is the absolute value of human emotion - joyful events can sometimes register on the Richter scale as pure trauma ;

  8. 并利用资源经济学中的若干资产价值确定方法,在实地调查的基础上,计算地上不可移动文物资源的绝对价值。

    Since unmovable cultural resources are of strong externality , we have taken some methods of resource economics to calculate their absolute value .

  9. 这些不同的伦理辩护可以归纳为两种类型:基于绝对价值或内在价值的伦理辩护和基于相对价值或工具价值的伦理辩护。

    They can be divided into 2 categories : absolute value or internal value-based ethical vindications and relative value or tool value-based ethical vindications .

  10. 与其他宗教一样,基督教一直强调信仰至上与信仰的绝对价值和独立价值。

    Like all other religious beliefs , Christianity has always attached importance to the absolute and independent value as well as supremacy of religious belief .

  11. 绝对价值观念作为人类的生存方式,它的可能性蕴含在立足于社会历史的实践追求中。

    Absolute value idea is regarded as the existent way of human beings and its possibility is demonstrated in the practical pursuit of social history .

  12. 在他看来,绝对价值观念被情感意向性呈现。

    The theory of presentation and content were used to further prove that , as he viewed that absolute value idea was presented by emotional intentionality .

  13. 譬如,宗教自有其本身的绝对价值,但同时许多别的目的也通过宗教而得到促进和支持。

    Religion , for instance , has an absolute value of its own ; yet at the same time other ends flourish and succeed in its train .

  14. 他们在意向性理论基础上,从不同角度探讨:相对的情感如何使绝对价值观念成为可能。

    Taking the theory of intentionality as a basic line , they explored from different perspectives the problem of how relative emotion makes the absolute value idea possible .

  15. 房价和工资比是某一城市的平均房价与平均可支配收入的比值,它反映了人们是否能承受这种房价而不仅仅是房产的绝对价值。

    Note that that the price-to-wage ratio , which measures median housing prices in a given city against median disposable incomes , reflects affordability rather than absolute property value .

  16. 军事装备人力资本绝对价值的计量,主要采用历史成本法、重置成本法、机会成本法等投入计量方法和未来收益或工资报酬折现法、随机报酬法等产出计量方法。

    The former includes historical cost method , replacement cost method and opportunity cost method . The latter includes future earnings or wages discount method and random reward method .

  17. 图2显示了绝对价值的表面能量的固体材料和表面张力的许多塑料包括聚乙烯和聚丙烯往往是不够的粘接或打印。

    Fig2 shows absolute values of surface energy for solid materials and the surface tension of many plastics including polyethylene and polypropylene is often insufficient for bonding or printing .

  18. 19世纪中叶起,哲学凸现了价值论研究,而绝对价值观念的寻求尤其成为它关注的焦点。

    Since mid-19th century , the exploration of the axiology has been highlighted in the field of philosophy , with the pursuit of absolute value idea as its main concern .

  19. 材料经过彻底研究后,会有助于澄清许多难题,并充当绝对价值标准,以资参照、判断。

    When the materials are thoroughly studied they will help to clarify many difficult problems and serve as standard of definite value by which others may be compared and judged .

  20. 这是人类情感的绝对价值&喜悦的大事,有时在芮氏地震仪上显示出彻底的创伤;而可怕的悲痛有时让我们突然大笑起来。

    This is the absolute value of human emotion & joyful events can sometimes register on the Richter scale as pure trauma ; dreadful grief makes us some-times burst out laughing .

  21. 拍卖是一种非常适合绝对价值难以量化的商品的交易方式,拍卖在近现代中国画的交易中起着决定性的作用。

    Auction is a quite suitable trading way of the goods that has no easily measured value , so it plays a decisive role in the trading of modern Chinese traditional paintings .

  22. 在他的指导中有很多圣训提到了做一个诚实者的重要性,同时还强调了戒除说谎的绝对价值,这些也并不让人感到惊讶。

    It is not surprising that we find in his guidance a large number of hadiths that speak about the importance of being truthful and emphasize the absolute importance of refraining from lying .

  23. 绝对价值作为客观性就是事实问题,同时事物存在的意义或价值决定事物的类本质及事物之间关系的理这一事实。

    Absolute value as objectivity is a problem of fact , meanwhile the meaning or value of existence of thing determines the fact of categorical essence of thing as well as the relation as Li among things .

  24. 在道德引导的最后一环中,应该引导儿童去相信道德的绝对价值,这样也可以说成是,在正确方向的基础上,重新建立他们的正确行为习惯。

    In the final part of moral instruction children must be led to understand the unconditional value of morality , and thus , as it were , reestablish their habits of right action on the correct foundation .

  25. 在生活一实践的界面上,绝对价值观念如何可能呢?绝对价值观念作为人类的生存方式,它的可能性蕴含在立足于社会历史的实践追求中。

    In the level of life-practice , how was the absolute value idea possible ? Absolute value idea is regarded as the existent way of human beings and its possibility is demonstrated in the practical pursuit of social history .

  26. 美和人生的崇高价值或者说绝对价值结合在一起,离开了人生的崇高价值、绝对价值,就没有真正的美,这是中世纪审美意识的基本特征。

    The basic features of the medieval taste awareness were as follows : the beauty was combined with the personal noble value or the absolute value ; without noble value or absolute value , beauty was of no significance .

  27. 它导致了绝对价值的遮蔽和消解,其历史后果主要表现为:人际交往的障碍、社会整合度的下降、人的精神焦虑、道德感的脆弱。

    It has caused the covering and overturning of absolute value . Its historical consequence is shown as follows : obstacle of human communication , decline of social integration level , spiritual anxiety , fragility of moral sense of people .

  28. 陀氏的道德观建立在对西方理性和科学的否定、对俄国东正教道德观的肯定上,体现为宗教伦理,宣扬绝对价值;

    Dostoevsky 's view on morality was built on the negation of Western rationality and science but on the positive of Russia 's Eastern Orthodox Church . It was a kind of religious ethic and it pursued an ultimate value .

  29. 通过分析我还将表明维特根斯坦所认为的具有绝对价值的伦理判断实际上是相对的,伦理不仅是可以言说的,而且每一言语如果被恰当运用在适当语境中都是伦理的。

    According to my analyzing , I also indicate that the ethical judgment which is absolute proposition in view of Wittgenstein is relative actually , and not only the ethics can be expressed , but also each speech belongs to ethics if they are applied correctly to the appropriate situation .

  30. 但胜利才是绝对有价值的东西。

    Still , only victory is the absolute value .