
chē liè
  • Car crack;tearing a person asunder by five carts;turn sb. asunder in ancient China by five carts
车裂 [chē liè]
  • [turn sb. asunder in ancient China by five carts] 用五辆车把人体撕裂致死,是古时的一种酷刑

车裂[chē liè]
  1. 显然,我们都知道中世纪英格兰的车裂。

    Sure , we 're familiar with drawing and quartering from medieval England .

  2. 公元前338年,商鞅失势,被车裂而死。

    When he fell into disgrace in 338 B. C. , he was tied to chariots and torn apart .

  3. 吴起与孙武齐名,却被小人所陷害,车裂而死;

    Wu rises and Sun Wu together , but be framed up by the mean person , car crack but die ;

  4. 虽然后来商鞅被车裂而死,新法却并未废止。商鞅变法为秦消灭六国、统一中国奠定了基础。

    Though Shang Yang was put to death by his opponents , the new laws were not eliminated , which paved the way for Qin to conquer the other six states and unify the whole country .

  5. 当然如果这些种种最后都没能成为商鞅后来被车裂致死的因素的话,我们都不能说他什么,但很不巧的恰恰是这些最终要了商鞅的命。

    Of course , if these kinds of last failed to become the death of Shang Yang was later Julie factors , we can not say what he was , but it is precisely Unfortunately these final to the Shang Yang 's life .