
  • 网络Qixia Temple
  1. 试析南京栖霞寺舍利塔装饰设计的特点与风格

    On the characteristics and style of design and decoration of stupas in Qixia Temple

  2. 梁中大通二年纪年摩崖的发现&栖霞寺千佛岩61号佛龛南梁纪年题名石刻

    The Discovery of Dated Cliff with Second Year of Zhongdatong & Stone Inscription Found in Thousand-Buddha Cave , Qixia Temple

  3. 第二章主要以栖霞寺的基址选择开始进行详细的分析,包括寺内的总体布局,建筑空间与功能组织要素来剖析栖霞寺的建筑空间形态。

    The second chapter to the base address of the Qixia Temple began to conduct a detailed analysis , including the overall layout of the temple building space and functional organizational elements to analyze the Qixia Temple of building space form .