
diàn yǐ
  • electric chair;hot seat;hot chair
电椅 [diàn yǐ]
  • [hot chair;electric chair;hot seat] 用来实施电刑的椅子式用具

电椅[diàn yǐ]
  1. 他被送上电椅处决。

    He was sent to the electric chair .

  2. 有个名叫JamesFrench的杀人犯被判有罪,判处电椅死刑。

    There was once a convicted murderer by the name of James French . He was sentenced to death by electric chair .

  3. 他两年前就座电椅了,弗兰克。

    He went to the chair two years ago , frank .

  4. 我认为他喜欢看人坐电椅。

    I think he just wants to see one cook up close .

  5. 上帝,他们会把你推上电椅。

    My god , they 'd put you in the electric chair .

  6. 她已经在努力的想让我去坐死刑电椅了。

    She trying to get me the electric chair already .

  7. 因为一些我根本没有做过的事送我上电椅。

    Sent me to the chair for something I didn 't do .

  8. 老头,我不会坐电椅的。

    I ain 't gonna get no chair , daddy .

  9. 他会跟我一样上电椅。

    He may as well sit in my lap in the chair .

  10. 现在他们是非让他上电椅不可了。

    They 're strapping him up either way now .

  11. 我会自己按下电椅的按钮。

    I 'd push that button on you myself .

  12. 玛利亚成了首位被判执行电椅死刑的女人。

    Maria became the first woman sentenced to die in the electric chair .

  13. 就象上电椅一样。这就是我的感受。

    It was like walking to the electric chair .

  14. 我只想看你做电椅。

    What I want to see is you fry .

  15. 我在坐电椅的时候见到他了。

    I think I saw him , when I was in the chair .

  16. 我母亲说电椅是我最后的归宿。

    My mother always said I 'd end up in the electric chair .

  17. 黑鬼应该有黑人专用的电椅。

    Niggers ought to have their own electric chair .

  18. 他们还用电椅,对吧?

    They still use the electric chair , right ?

  19. 我称这个为“电椅”,小意思而已

    This is a little piece I like to call " electric chair . "

  20. 电刑在电椅上受极刑。

    To undergo execution in an electric chair .

  21. 于是,我给她买了一把电椅。

    So I bought her an electric chair .

  22. 这么说,如果电椅出问题。

    So if something happens to the chair .

  23. 据说在电椅上死掉得花上四分种。

    They say it can take up to four minutes to die in the chair .

  24. 由于有确凿证据对其不利,林肯被处以电椅极刑。

    With strong evidence against him , Lincoln is sentenced to death by electric chair .

  25. 电椅是一个牙医发明的。

    A dentist invented the electric chair .

  26. 这就象是走到死刑电椅上一样,这就是当时的感觉。

    It was like walking to the electric chair . That 's the way it felt .

  27. 我抓到你,你就会求我让你上电椅。

    When I get through with you , you 'll be begging for the electric chair !

  28. 出自:詹姆斯·弗兰彻,杀人犯,他被终身判决为上电椅死刑。

    Said by : James French , a convicted murderer , was sentenced to the electric chair .

  29. 随后,他又倡导把交流电用在美国第一把执行死刑的电椅上。

    He then put his name behind an effort to use AC to power the first electric chair .

  30. 阿玛迪斯坚持要治疗他,并在电椅上“意外”因为高压而杀害了他。

    Amadeus insisted on treating him and " accidentally " killed him with voltage from an electric chair .