
  • 网络tv special
  1. 瑞翰纳电视特别节目由少年杂志为您带来…

    Rihanna TVspecial brought to you by Teen People magazine ,

  2. 电视特别节目之播出跟圣诞节有关。

    The television special was held in connection with the Christmas holiday .

  3. 瑞翰纳正为她的电视特别节目寻找伴舞

    Rihanna is hosting an audition for her TVspecial .

  4. 在下个月的瑞翰纳电视特别节目比赛中最具夺冠热门的是远洋中学

    The oddson favorite in next month 's competition for the Rihanna TVspecial is Pacific Vista .

  5. 这次的电视特别节目中,往届的格莱美奖得主或者提名音乐人将会宣布各大奖项的提名名单,并进行现场演出。

    The televised special will announce nominations in several major categories and feature performances by past Grammy winners and / or nominees .

  6. 因为这部具有雄心壮志的辛苦之作要花掉他将近五年的时间,宫崎骏在电视特别节目中表示,这部片子完成的时候他都要80岁了--大概就是在2020年东京奥运会的时候。

    Because it takes him around five years to complete his more ambitious undertakings , Miyazaki noted in the TV special that he will be nearly 80 by the time this film is completely ― hopefully in time for the Tokyo Olympics in 2020 .

  7. 今晚八频道电视有特别节目。

    There will be a special on Channel 8 tonight .

  8. 这些狗狗的奢华生活更为它们获得了在Sky1电视台的特别节目,这档节目将在明年播出。

    The dogs ' extravagant lifestyles have attracted so much curiosity that they will be featured on a Sky One programme , A Different Breed , next year .

  9. 论电视新闻的期待式现场报道&以中央电视台澳门回归特别节目为案例而展开

    On the Expecting pattern of On-the-Spot TV Report

  10. 随着中国国家电视台9月1日播出由4名年轻男歌手参加的电视特别节目《开学第一课》,有关有着阴柔面孔的新新男星的热烈讨论席卷国内社交媒体平台新浪微博。

    A heated debate on China 's new feminine-looking male celebrities has flooded Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo , as the country 's State broadcaster aired four young male singers in its television special " First Class of the New Semester " on Sept 1 .