
  • 网络vector bundle
  1. 一类希尔伯特级数的计算以及Frobenius态射下向量丛的稳定性

    A Computation of Some Hilbert Series and the Stability of a Vector Bundle under Frobenius Morphism

  2. 我们设M是一紧复流形,E为其上的可微分向量丛。

    Let M be a compact complex manifold , E a differentiable complex vector bundle over M , and g resp .

  3. 有关这方面问题的研究称为向量丛的Brill-Noether理论。

    The study of these problems is called Brill-Noether theory for vector bundles .

  4. 论文第四部分给出本文的主要结果,即联系于实向量丛一对截面的一个Poincaré–Hopf型公式及其证明。

    In the last chapter is the mainly research result in this thesis , which gives the proof about a Poincar é - Hopf type formula for a pair of sections of a real vector bundle .

  5. 在本文中,我们给出并证明了由截面生成的二维向量丛的消没定理、Clifford定理和存在定理,并部分地给出了这类二维向量丛的分类。

    In this dissertation , we give and prove the vanishing theorem , the Clifford theorems and the existence theorem for rank two vector bundles generated by their sections , and partially give the classification of these vector bundles .

  6. 证明了完备、定向曲面的基本群在SU(2)中的表示空间可等同于该曲面上秩为2且具有平凡行列式丛的全纯向量丛的模空间.并且它们具有射影结构。

    The representation space of the fundamental group of a closed , oriented Riemannian surface is identified with the moduli space of the holomorphic bundles of rank 2 with trivial determinant bundles over the surface and these spaces are proved to carry a projective structure .

  7. 把由向量丛态射诱导出的三个特殊丛推广到模丛态射中,得到了相应的三个模丛:ker丛、im丛和coker丛;

    Expand three especial induced vector bundles induced by a morphism of vector bundles to those induced by a morphism of module bundles so that three module bundles , ker bundles , im bundles and coker bundles are obtained .

  8. 我们的方法和结论可以为更高维向量丛的Brill-Noether理论的研究奠定一定的基础。

    Our methods and conclusions may lay some foundation for the study of the Brill-Noether theory for vector bundles of higher dimensions .

  9. 我们的目的就是在经典的线丛Brill-Noether理论的基础上,讨论二维向量丛的Brill-Noether理论。

    Our purpose is the discussion about the Brill-Noether theory for rank two vector bundles on the basis of the classical theory for line bundles .

  10. 本文得到一些有关一类第一Betti数为奇数的曲面上的全纯向量丛的结果,以及例外Hopf曲面上的集合IS2(X,0)的描述。

    In the present paper , we obtain some remarks on holomorphic vector bundles on some non-algebraic compact complex surfaces with odd first Betti number . In particular , we get a description of IS2 ( X , 0 ) of exceptional Hopf surface here .

  11. 消没定理中最低次数的寻找、Clifford定理中最小上界的确定、存在定理的条件、由截面生成的不可分解特殊二维向量丛分类的依据,这些是问题的主要难点。

    The main difficulties in the discussion are finding the least degree in the vanishing theorem , determining the least upper bound in the Clifford theorems , the condition of the existence theorem and the criterion of classifying the indecomposable special rank two vector bundles generated by their sections .

  12. 近年来Douglas,Misra等人希望用复几何的方法来研究Hilbert模的几何不变量,例如一类Hilbert模对应的Hermitian全纯向量丛的曲率不变量。

    In recent years , Douglas and Misra and other mathematicians want to study the geometric invariants of Hilbert module by using methods of complex geometry , for example , to study the curva-ture invariant of the Hermitian holomorphic vector bundles related to some classes of Hilbert modules .

  13. 本文对于联系于定向实向量丛的一对截面建立了一个Poincaré-Hopf型公式,推广了文献[1]中的一个相应结果。本文分四个部分。

    In this thesis we will establish a Poincar é - Hopf type formula for a pair of sections of an oriented real vector bundle , which generalized a recent result of Feng-Li-Zhang in [ 1 ] . This thesis is divided into four chapters .

  14. 将线汇转化成向量丛后从理论上证明了这种转化的正确性,利用向量丛的截面理论证明了Backlund定理并给出一种固定边界而求面积最小的曲面的迭代条件。

    After congruence of lines changes into vector bundles , its correctness is proved , and theorem of Backlund is proved by using sections of bundles . A condition of iteration is given for seeking minimal area of a curved surface with fixed boundary curve .

  15. 复向量丛上特殊度量和联络的存在性问题

    On Existences of Special Metrics and Connections in Complex Vector Bundle

  16. 二维向量丛的最大子线丛

    Some Remarks on Maximal Line Subbundles of Rank Two Vector Bundles

  17. 向量丛动力系统研究注记(Ⅰ)

    Notes on a Study of Vector Bundle Dynamical Systems (ⅰ)

  18. 亏格二纤维曲面上的稳定向量丛的存在性

    Existence of Stable Vector Bundles over Genus 2 Fiberized Surfaces

  19. 例外序列的概念来源于对于向量丛的研究。

    The notation of exceptional sequence came from the study of vector bundles .

  20. 向量丛上的联络映射

    The connection map of a vector manifold

  21. 由于对可分解的向量丛,问题可以转化为对相关线丛的讨论,因此我们主要讨论的是不可分解的情形,并进一步归结为对由截面生成的不可分解特殊二维向量丛的讨论。

    Since the discussion for the decomposable vector bundles can be transferred to the line bundles involved , we primarily deal with the indecomposable ones , and further reduce to discuss the indecomposable special rank two vector bundles generated by their sections .

  22. 如何从纤维丛的底空间和纤维型的黎曼度量构造丛空间的黎曼度量,接着,定理1和定理2分别给出了向量丛和主丛关于这种度量的线素。

    A new definition concerning the Riemannian metric of bundle spaces is given by using of the Riemannian metric of related base spaces and fibers . Theorem 1 and theorem 2 give the line elements of the metric for the vector bundles and for the principal bundles , respectively .