
  1. 坦克装甲车辆费用效能分析

    Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Tanks and Armoured Vehicles

  2. 费用管理是对企业日常的消费费用进行管理,包括电话费用、报销费用和车辆费用支出管理。

    Cost management is the daily consumption of enterprise management costs , including telephone costs , claims management and vehicle expenses .

  3. 确保所有的用车已经安排好,并准备好把车辆费用入到客人的房费里并做好记录。

    Check and make sure all the transportation order were well arranged and all the transportation charge were done in proper way .

  4. 这个保险不包括车辆保养费用。

    This insurance policy does not cover vehicle maintenance cost .

  5. 车辆保险费用上涨了,但不太多。

    The cost of car insurance is up , but not very much .

  6. 每年用户使用国道网所需的车辆运行费用约为100亿美元。

    The annual cost to the users to operate their vehicles on the network is about $ 10 billion .

  7. 罢工者还说,三亚市很多不支付车辆租赁费用的无照计程车抢走了他们的生意。

    The strikers also say many unlicensed cabs operate in Sanya without paying rental fees and steal their business .

  8. 我只能猜测,该公司董事局会议室是衡量他们对召回车辆的费用底线。

    I can only guess that the Corporate Boardrooms are weighing the cost of recalling vehicles against their bottom line .

  9. 行政管理系统涵盖会议、办公、机关事务处理、车辆、费用等行政管理内容以及人机结合的监督考评;

    Administration system covering meetings , office , organs affair , vehicles , personnel costs in connection with the supervision and administration of appraisal ;

  10. 时间费用是公路建设和公路养护投资效益分析所必须考虑的经济指标之一。旅行时间费用、车辆运营费用和道路事故费用三者一起构成了道路的用户费用。

    Time costs is an important component of the road user costs as being recognized with continuous increasing in traffic congestion experienced in the past decade .

  11. 利用多目标规划模型,使配送路线得以优化,满足配送里程最短以及减少车辆运行费用的目标。

    Using multi-object programming to improve the delivery ability , the delivery route could be optimized and the object of the shortest mileage and least charge could be achieved .

  12. 我们的计划包括许多风格的人的动力和电动车,大部分项目可为一个新的类似车辆的费用的一小部分建成。

    Our plans include many styles of human powered and electric vehicles , and most projects can be built for a fraction of the cost of a new comparable vehicle .

  13. 论文根据公路预防性养护工程的特点,重点考虑养护工程对车辆运营费用的影响,建立了适合预防性养护工程生命周期费用分析的费用计算框架;

    Based on the features of highway preventive maintenance project and focusing on the influence that maintenance project has on the transportation cost of vehicles , the author establishes a cost framework befitting the analysis of life cycle cost of preventive maintenance project ;

  14. 大众公司希望减少其车辆生产的费用,例如销量高但是带来很少利润的大众高尔夫。

    The company wants to cut costs for the production of its vehicles such as Volkswagen Golf which were selling strongly but bringing in little profit .

  15. 我国目前建设高速公路的资金通常来自融资、贷款等,因此需要通过向过往车辆征收通行费用以偿还所借款项。

    Highway building funds usually come from finance and loans , and to repay the loan there are toll collection stations on the highway to charge passing vehicles .

  16. 目标函数中考虑车辆的固定费用、行驶费用、未按时完成服务产生的惩罚、存储费用等多种影响因素。

    Some significant influencing factors are considered in objective function , such as vehicle fixed cost , transportation cost , storage and punishment cost storage cost for delay of service .

  17. 以我的观点,是属于租赁关系,因为那些很贵的车辆收的费用很低,假如是保管应当按价值来收费的。

    With my viewpoint , it is to attribute the significance that rent , the fee that collects because of those very expensive car is very small , if be custodial , ought to collect fees by value .

  18. 装甲车辆使用与保障费用的指数回归模型

    Exponential Regressing Model for Operation and Support Cost of Amored Vehicle

  19. 基于VE的车辆装备寿命周期费用分析研究

    Analysis of Life Cycle Costs for Vehicle Equipment Based on VE

  20. 研究实时条件下的多车辆路径与调度问题,重点研究了多种费用,包括车辆空驶费用、任务延迟费用和任务拒绝费用下的问题模型及求解。

    The paper introduced a generic multi-vehicle routing and scheduling problem with real time information , which includes the consideration of various costs associated with trucks ' empty travel distances , jobs ' delayed completion times , and job rejections .

  21. 研究表明,产品运送的最优需用车辆数取决于用户的订购数量、车辆固定使用费用、制造商的生产效率、产品存储费用和用户等待时间费用。

    The investigation indicates that the optimum vehicle number for product delivery depends on order quantity , operation cost of vehicles , productive efficiency of the manufacturer , storage cost of product and the cost of customer 's waiting time .

  22. 最后,对需求和时间都随机的车辆路线问题进行了研究,给出一个比较完善的求车辆路线期望总费用公式。

    The third section develops a formula of computing the expected distances of Vehicle Routing with Stochastic Travel Times and Stochastic Demands .

  23. 桥头跳车不仅影响了通行车辆的行驶速度和行车安全,而且在一定程度上也增加了车辆的运营费用和公路的养护费用,同时减少了通行车辆和公路、桥梁的使用寿命,危害非常严重。

    Bridgehead bump not only affects the access speed of the vehicle and traffic safety , but also vehicles the operating costs and road maintenance costs to some extent . At the same time , it reduces the service life of roads and bridges , the harm is very serious .

  24. 从有利的方面看,高昂的废旧金属价格已令遗弃车辆的数量有所减少,因为金属商为这些车辆付费,而非向车主收取运走车辆的费用。

    On the plus side , high scrap metal prices have reduced the number of abandoned vehicles , as metal merchants are prepared to pay for vehicles rather than charging to take them away .