
  • 网络IRIDIUM;iridium system
  1. 仿真过程中,采用铱星系统的网络模型结构作为仿真拓扑,进行性能评价。

    Iridium constellation is adopted as the simulated network model architecture .

  2. 对铱星系统也作了介绍。

    IRIDIUM system is also introduced .

  3. 用商业平台模型解析铱星系统商业计划的沉浮,证明了它的有效性和可操作性。

    The analysis of ups and downs of Iridium satellite system 's business plans testifies the validity and maneuverability of business platform model .

  4. 以铱星系统星间链路为例,建立了卫星光通信终端与卫星平台相互耦合运动的数学模型,并进行了数值仿真。

    In this paper , the dynamics function was found to simulate the coupled movement rule of the coarse pointing device and satellite platform in the tracking progress of the IRIDIUM intersatellite link .

  5. 本文通过国际、国内著名的铱星通信系统、AT&T、小灵通、UT斯达康、华为等案例,分析、揭示出技术与市场,合则利分则损。

    These cases , such as Iridium Star communication system , AT & T , PAS , UT-Starcom , Hua-wei , etc. are analyzed in this paper , and conclusion is that it is beneficial for combining and harmful for separating about technology and market when technologic innovation is developed .

  6. 针对大型海洋资料浮标大数据量传输的要求,在浮标上采用铱星电话数据通信系统传输实时水文气象数据。

    According to the requirement of large amount of data communication on large data buoy , the iridium data ( communication ) system was used to transfer hydrology and meteorology data .