
  1. 这些问题对贵州省普通本科高校教师队伍的建设提出了挑战。

    These problems present challenges to faculty building at these universities .

  2. 浅论普通本科地方院校财务战略管理

    The Financial Strategy Management of the Common Local Colleges and Universities

  3. 普通本科院校报关实务教学中的困境与化解之道

    Dilemmas and Countermeasures in Teaching Customs Practice in the University

  4. 湖南省普通本科院校健美操教学内容设置现状与对策研究

    The Curriculum Actuality & Countermeasure for Aerobics Teaching of Hunan Common University

  5. 我国普通本科高等学校教学质量内部保障体系构建

    Design of the Chinese Regular University 's Interior Assurance System of Teaching Quality

  6. 普通本科高校举办高职教育的探讨

    Discussion of Common Full-time Universities Conducting Higher Vocational Education

  7. 新形势下普通本科院校毕业设计的几点思考

    Reflections on the Graduation Project of Normal Undergraduate Universities Under the New Situation

  8. 普通本科院校应用型创新人才培养模式的构建

    The construction of training mode of applied innovative talents in general baccalaureate colleges

  9. 河南省普通本科院校女大学生体育健身需求的现状调查与对策研究

    Investigation and Countermeasures of Female Students ' Needs of Body-building in Henan Normal University

  10. 对普通本科院校举办高等职业技术教育若干问题的思考

    Some thinkings about problems on higher education for vocational technique in common regular colleges

  11. 河南省普通本科院校体育师资现状分析及发展策略新建本科院校的办学定位

    Analyses on Present Situation and Developing Strategy of P.E. Teachers of Common Universities in Henan Province

  12. 普通本科院校计算机专业课双语教学探讨

    Research of the Bilingual Teaching Mode Based on Computer Courses in the Ordinary Colleges and Universities

  13. 江西省普通本科院校奥林匹克文化传播的现状分析及对策研究

    Study on Current Condition and Countermeasures of Olympic Culture Spreading among College Students in Jiangxi Province

  14. 甘肃省普通本科院校篮球教学现状分析与对策研究

    The Analysis and Countermeasure Research on the Present Basketball Teaching Condition in Undergraduate Universities of Gansu Province

  15. 目前贵州省普通本科高校正在加强对教师配置研究与实践,并已取得一定的成效。

    The common institutions are strengthened Guizhou in the allocation and practice , and has achieved certain effectiveness .

  16. 天津市普通本科院校排球选项课教学现状的调查研究

    Teaching Present Status Investigation and Research of the Volleyball Optional Course of Tianjin Ordinary Undergraduate Colleges and Universities

  17. 普通本科院校化学专业开设分析化学选论课的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration of Offering " Elective Courses of Analytical Chemistry " in Chemistry Speciality of the Colleges

  18. 普通本科院校人事档案信息资源开发利用之我见

    On the Development and Utilization on the Information Resources of the Personnel Archives in Ordinary Colleges and Universities

  19. 近年来,许多专科层次的院校经教育部批准先后改建成普通本科院校。

    In recent years , many junior colleges have promoted common undergraduate colleges and universities approved by the Ministry of Education .

  20. 嘉兴学院是2000年3月经国家教育部批准组建的省属普通本科院校。

    Jiaxing University approved by the Ministry of education set up the provincial general undergraduate colleges and universities In 2000 March .

  21. 第二部分介绍我国普通本科招生现行的录取模式的内涵、历史沿革、合理性和弊端。

    Part ⅱ introduces the content , history , rationality and drawbacks of the current admission model of ordinary undergraduate enrollment .

  22. 高等职业教育的课程结构体系与普通本科或专科的课程结构体系不同。

    There are a lot of differences between the system of curriculum structure in higher vocational education and that in general college .

  23. 第三部分阐述我国普通本科招生的录取模式进行改革的理论与现实依据。

    Part ⅲ explains the theory and realistic basis of the reform of admission model of ordinary undergraduate enrollment in our country .

  24. 地方高职高专院校与普通本科院校也存在一定差异,高职高专院校发展受到财政约束的问题更为严峻。

    Local colleges and universities also exist certain differences , the development of Higher Vocational Colleges under financial constraints are more serious problems .

  25. 高职、应用技术本科、普通本科学生总体自我价值感无显著性差异。

    There is no significant difference between vocational school students ', application technology school undergraduates ' and ordinary college undergraduates ' overall self-worth .

  26. 方法采用图画完形测验对随机抽样的60名航校飞行学员、60名普通本科学员和45名轰炸机飞行员施测。

    Methods Sixty flight cadets , sixty general undergraduates and forty and five bombing planes ' pilots were evaluated by the Picture Completion Test .

  27. 普通本科高师院校宜采取宽口径、厚基础、高水平的人才培养模式,发挥主力军的作用;

    Ordinary normal schools should adopt the education modes of " wide requirements , thick foundation , high-level ", playing the role of " mainstay " .

  28. 高职高专毕业生在知识、能力、素质等方面与普通本科毕业生有所区别,应具有特殊的素质要求。

    The vocational college graduates , compared with the other college students , have some special quality requirements in terms of knowledge , ability and quality .

  29. 但由于高职学生与普通本科学生所面临的具体环境不同,他们的人生价值观又呈现出一定的差异性。

    But since the higher technical college students and ordinary undergraduate students face with different environments , so their viewpoints of the life value present certain discrepancies .

  30. 独立学院是上个世纪末出现的由普通本科高校按新机制、新模式举办的本科层次的二级学院。

    Independent colleges are subordinate undergraduate colleges held by average universities or colleges under new system and new model which appeared at the end of last century .