
  • 网络ordinary food;Conventional Food;plain food;normal food
  1. 一项大的独立审查得出结论,有机食品并不比普通食品更健康。

    Organic food is no healthier than ordinary food , a large independent review has concluded .

  2. 在普通食品中有的可以发挥营养强化的辅助作用及抗氧化作用。

    Some can give play to the role of intensive assisting of nutrition and resist the oxidation in the ordinary food .

  3. 转基因食品与普通食品的主要差异在于前者含有采用DNA重组技术导入的外源基因。

    The important differences between gene conversion food and general food are the first one includes exterior genes with recombine technique of DNA .

  4. 我老爸领悟到唯一比普通食品便宜的就只有残次品

    My father figured out that the only food cheaper than generic food was damaged food .

  5. 事实上,市面上许多无麸质食品往往在脂肪、盐分和糖分上较普通食品更高。

    In fact , a lot of gluten-free products are much higher in fat , salt and sugar .

  6. 原因:许多低脂肪食品与普通食品的热量含量一致。

    One reason : Many low fat foods have exactly the same number of calories as the regular ones .

  7. 最值得注意的是,为该研究提供资金的是一家生产石榴汁的公司。目前没有任何科学研究可以证明超级食品比普通食品更有益处。

    The term is not in common currency amongst dieticians and nutritional scientists , many of whom dispute the claims made that consuming particular foodstuffs can have a health benefit .

  8. 莜麦面是糖尿病疗效食品。介绍蛋白质酶水解物功能特性,总结蛋白质酶水解物在老年食品,运动员食品、减肥食品、疗效食品和普通食品中应用。

    The functional properties of protein hydrolysate were discussed . The application of protein hydrolysate in diets for elderly , athletes , weight-control , specific diseases and normal food were summarized .

  9. 通过对杭州市绿色食品零售市场的调查研究后,在与同一种类的普通食品相比中,认为我国绿色食品在市场上的表现不尽如人意。

    Via investigation of green food retail market in Hangzhou , compared with the same sort of common food , the market performance of green food in our country is dissatisfaction .

  10. 本试验应用塑料袋(普通食品袋)对高梁进行不同天数的套袋处理,达到了杀雄的效果。

    In this experiment , the plastic bags ( the common food plastic bags ) were used to cover the ear of sorghum for several days in order to kill the male .

  11. 神秘果晒干后就可以运输,宴会中的每位宾客都会吃上一枚,然后再品尝各种各样的普通食品,每吃一口,都会体验到一种奇妙的新口味。

    The berries are dried and exported , and the party guests each have one and then taste all kinds of common foods to experience a new taste sensation with every bite .

  12. 研究人员表示,有机食品中的氮含量的确高于普通食品,不过这可能与肥料及收获时食品的成熟度有关,而且氮含量高的食品并没有任何保健价值。

    Organic foods did contain more nitrogen , but the researchers say this is probably due to differences in fertilizer use and ripeness at harvest and is unlikely to provide any health benefit .

  13. 食品安全是当今的热门话题,清真食品具有普通食品所不具有的宗教性、民族性等社会性内涵,所以清真食品在供应链管理方面有特殊要求。

    Food safety is a hot topic today , with general food halal foods still have the religious , ethnic and other social content , so the halal food in supply chain management have special requirements .

  14. 本项研究对进一步开发树舌类真菌资源,让传统的保健药用真菌以普通食品的形式进入百姓生活提供了新的思路。

    The investigation offered a new way of thoughts to further exploit fungi resources such as G. applanatum in order to let traditional pharmaceutical fungus which has sanitarian tonic efficacy to enter into ordinary people 's life in the form of common food .

  15. 食物和水的餐具:当你购买鹦鹉笼时,里面通常包含着普通的塑料食品碗和水碗。

    Food and Water Dishes : When you buy a parrot cage , ordinary plastic food and water bowls are usually included .

  16. 这是个普通的早餐食品,特别是在城市中,对于低下层的人名来讲,新鲜的鱼是十分稀有和昂贵的。

    It was once a common breakfast food , especially for the lower classes in the cities where fresh fish would be rare and expensive .

  17. 果汁方面的业务越来越多,于是成立了富尔斯特·戴·劳森柑橘公司,接着进入普通医药、食品添加剂和蜂蜜行业。

    An increasing involvement in fruit juices led to the formation of Fuerst Day Lawson Citrus and was followed by moves into generic pharmaceuticals , food additives and honey .

  18. 这里首先指出食品安全强制责任保险与普通的商业食品安全责任保险是具有差别的,同时他们之间也存在一定的联系。

    Here first of all that food safety forced liability insurance and ordinary business food security liability insurance is a difference , at the same time they also exist between a link .

  19. 艾滋病食疗方法&甜菜根、菠菜、大蒜和橄榄油是再普通不过的食品了,然而将这些食品放在一起经过加工后竟成了可治疗艾滋病的药物。

    Ways AIDS Dietotherapy beetroot , spinach , garlic and olive oil are another common food , however , yet to be put together after these foods after processing has become a treatable AIDS drugs .