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  • 网络Blinded;Blind;Blindness
  1. 你用欢笑的闪光使我目盲来掩盖你的眼泪。

    You blind me with flashes of laughter to hide your tears .

  2. 你从未让我看到希望,我已傻到近乎目盲。

    I never saw the end in sight , fools are kind of blind .

  3. 目盲的妻子和耳聋的丈夫才会缔结好姻缘。

    A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband .

  4. 倘若她的明眸还没使你目盲,

    If her eyes have not blinded thine ,

  5. 澄明视域(特异能力):光明不会因任何效果而目盲或目眩。

    Clear Vision ( Ex ): A lumi cannot be blinded or dazzled by any effect .

  6. 尝试阅读不了解的法术可能导致极大的痛苦,目盲,以至于疯狂。

    Attempting to read an unlearned spell could cause terrible pain , blindness , even insanity .

  7. 这种目盲的海胆同样有着与味觉、觉、觉和平衡相关的基因-至,令人吃惊地是,还包括视力。

    The eyeless sea urchin also has genes associated with taste , smell , hearing , balance - and surprisingly , even vision .

  8. 莎士比亚曾将人生分为7个阶段,婴儿期,叛逆学生期,恋人,战士,权威的中年法官,邋遢的老年期和耳重目盲无滋无味全无自理能力的晚年。

    William Shakespeare wrote of the seven ages of man , starting with the puking infant and the whining school boy , through the lover , the soldier , the authority of the middle aged justice , then the slippered pantaloon , ending with the dependency of old age , sans teeth sans eyes , sans taste , sans everything .