
  • 网络Football Events;ScoreMobile FC
  1. 明年足球赛事很频繁。

    Football matches are heavily scheduled for next year .

  2. 对有些美国球迷来说,世界杯(WorldCup)是首屈一指的国际足球赛事。其他赛事都远远不能与之相比。

    For some American fans , the World Cup is the be-all and end-all of international soccer .

  3. 介绍了RoboCup四腿机器人足球赛事及其决策子系统的结构。

    Four-Legged Robot Soccer Match and structure of strategy sub-system is introduced .

  4. 在巴萨同意如果他不参加美洲杯(CopaAmerica)便可以参加奥运会后,内马尔才得以出征奥运会。美洲杯是南北美洲球队竞技的足球赛事。

    He made it to the games only after Barcelona agreed that he could participate in the Olympics if he missed the Copa America , a tournament between North and South American teams .

  5. 国际顶级足球赛事欧洲冠军联赛(ChampionsLeague)于9月16日展开小组赛。欧洲的顶级俱乐部将利用这次机会,展示他们夏季斥资引援的成果。

    When soccer 's top international tournament , theChampions League , begins its group stage on September 16 , it will offer a chance for Europe 's top clubs to show off the results of their summer spending .

  6. 英格兰队自1966年以来首次进入重大足球赛事决赛。

    England has reached its first major tournament final since 1966 .

  7. 足球赛事赞助商满意度调查与分析

    A Survey and Analysis of the Satisfaction Degree of Sponsors for Soccer Matches

  8. 像前锋一样,在一场足球赛事中,后卫的角色相当重要。

    Same as a forward , a defender plays an important role in a football game .

  9. 它之所以能够获得成功,部分是因为购买了独家内容,例如足球赛事和电影。

    Some of its success is down to buying exclusive content , such as football and movies .

  10. 然而,如果你想从今夏的足球赛事中稍得喘息的话,瑞士等着你呢!

    Still , if you want a break from football this summer , then Switzerland is waiting .

  11. 鉴于这种媒体曝光率,公司赞助商正欣然追捧此次欧洲足球赛事,这并不令人惊讶。

    Unsurprisingly , given the media exposure , corporate sponsors are happily riding the European football wave .

  12. 联邦官员表示,一些被告参与了有关重要足球赛事转播权的贿赂行为。

    Some defendants , federal officials said , participated in bribes involving broadcasting rights for major soccer matches .

  13. 国际足联创建于1904年,为了8个欧洲国家为组织国际足球赛事合作而生。。

    The organization was founded in 1904 , when eight European nations agreed to cooperate in organizing international matches .

  14. 在这些不幸的足球赛事之前,也有一系列灾难被归咎于男性化过度。

    Footballing mishaps are the latest in a series of catastrophes to be blamed on a surfeit of maleness .

  15. 实际上,国际足球赛事令人着迷的一点就在于,它与政治或经济趋势素无干系。

    In fact , the nice thing about international football is that it actually does not track political or economic trends .

  16. 路易斯二世亲王体育场,于1985年建成,负责主办国际足球赛事,也是摩纳哥足球队的主场地。

    The Louis II Stadium , inaugurated in1985 , hosts international football games and is home to the Monaco Football Team .

  17. 欧洲组支持这一提案,但可能对欧洲常规足球赛事造成了影响。

    European groups voted in favor of that , but it could mess up scheduling for Europe 's regular soccer season .

  18. 据称,腐败主要集中在美洲当地的足球赛事中的市场营销和电视转播协议上面,关于世界杯的腐败并未证实。

    The corruption allegedly centres on marketing and television deals for regional football competitions in the Americas , not the World Cup .

  19. 受争议的“呜呜组啦”仍然占据媒体头条。因为这种喇嘛吹出的声音占据着整个足球赛事的声道。

    The controversial vuvuzela continued to headlines just as noise from the monotonal horns has dominated the sound track of this football festival .

  20. 作为回报,拒信他们获得了与拉美足球赛事相关的媒体报道、营销和赞助权利。

    In return , it is believed that they received media , marketing , and sponsorship rights in connection with soccer tournaments in Latin America .

  21. 天空广播公司拥有英国足球赛事的最大份额转播权,福克斯拥有美国足球的播放权,以及福克斯有线电视网络举办的纳斯卡赛车比赛。

    BSkyB owns the lion 's share of Britain 's football rights , Fox has American football , and its cable network hosts NASCAR races .

  22. 背单词—服装英语词汇来自澳大利亚的一对姐妹因87小时不间断观看世界杯比赛转播和足球赛事报道,创下了一项非官方的世界纪录。

    Two Australian sisters have set an unofficial world record for continuous TV-watching after sitting through 87 hours of uninterrupted World Cup and football coverage .

  23. 对于英国零售商、出版商和酒吧来说,在明年夏季如此盛大的足球赛事中,没有一支本土球队参赛可能会非常痛苦。

    For UK retailers , bookmakers and pubs , not having a single home nation in such a big football tournament next summer could be painful .

  24. 浙江绍兴翔鹰纺织品有限公司称,该公司在这场足球赛事开始前就卖出了超过700万面旗帜。

    Zhejiang Shaoxing Xiangying Textile Co Ltd , sold more than 7 million flags before the start of the month-long event , according to the company .

  25. 世界其他顶级球员几乎都不会现身奥运会,相比其他足球赛事,奥运会被认为是次要赛事。

    Few of the world 's other top players will appear at Olympics , with the football tournament deemed a sideshow to the rest of the games .

  26. 不过因为其他足球赛事在这方面的数据目前尚不得知,所以还不能就此得出结论说这代表了一种较远距离射门的趋势。

    Equivalent stats for prior tournaments aren 't readily available , though , so it 's impossible to say if this represents a trend toward shooting from farther away .

  27. 3浙江省举办过一次全省性的笼式足球赛事,各地区举办过若干当地区的比赛,赛事通过电视、报纸等媒体有所报道,形成的社会知名度一般。

    Zhejiang province held a cage-football match , other areas held the district race , race reported through television , newspapers and other media , formed general social awareness .

  28. 5年多以前,俄罗斯赢得了2018年世界杯的主办权,该国目前正忙着筹备这一国际足球赛事。

    Russia won the bid to host the 2018 World Cup over five years ago , while the country currently is busy with preparation work for the international football competition .

  29. 在一场足球赛事进行中投掷任何物件–括芹菜–一项刑事罪行。犯罪者将会被逮捕,最终留下犯罪记录。

    The throwing of anything at a football match , including celery , is a criminal offence for which you can be arrested and end up with a criminal record .

  30. 日前,国内10余个省份表示将承办高水平足球赛事,甚至是世界杯,这是这些省份近期公布的足球改革方案的部分内容。

    More than 10 Chinese provinces have said that they will sponsor high-level soccer events or even the World Cup as part of their soccer reform plans that were announced recently .