
yáo ɡǔn
  • rock and roll
  1. 节奏布鲁斯演变成为摇滚乐。

    Rhythm and blues mutated into rock and roll .

  2. 他被称作摇滚之王不是没有道理的。

    Not for nothing was he called the king of rock and roll .

  3. 他们是最富感染力的现场表演摇滚乐组合之一。

    They were one of rock 's most impressive live acts .

  4. 这场摇滚乐音乐会真让我父母大受教益!

    The rock concert was quite an education for my parents !

  5. 这是这个顶级摇滚乐队的第四张唱片专辑。

    This was the fourth album by the top rock outfit .

  6. 贾尼斯∙乔普林就是众所周知的摇滚乐大师。

    Janis Joplin was known as the High Priestess of Rock .

  7. 他的音乐是重金属乐和鬅客摇滚乐的强节奏混合体。

    His music is a heady brew of heavy metal and punk .

  8. 随着年龄的增长,他已对摇滚乐失去了热情。

    He 's outgrown his passion for rock music .

  9. 20世纪70年代中期被视为摇滚乐的文化荒漠。

    The mid 1970s are seen as a cultural wasteland for rock music .

  10. 摇滚歌星必须习惯歌迷要求签名的纠缠。

    Rock stars have to get used to being plagued by autograph hunters .

  11. 乡村音乐无疑是摇滚乐的先导之一。

    Country music was undoubtedly one of the forerunners of rock and roll .

  12. 我喜欢爵士乐远胜过摇滚乐。

    I much prefer jazz to rock music .

  13. 摇滚乐起源于布鲁斯。

    Rock music came out of the blues .

  14. 我参加过伍德斯托克摇滚音乐节——那说明我老了,是不是?

    I was at the Woodstock festival ─ that dates me , doesn 't it ?

  15. 她是摇滚乐队的歌手。

    She sings in a rock group .

  16. 喧闹的摇滚乐直往我们耳朵里钻。

    Loud rock music assaulted our ears .

  17. 他是鬅客摇滚乐的创始人。

    He 's the godfather of punk .

  18. 过去的那位摇滚狂人已经改变形象,成了一位体面的爱家的男人。

    The former wild man of rock has reinvented himself as a respectable family man .

  19. 收音机在高声播放着嘈杂的摇滚乐。

    The radio was blaring rock music .

  20. 摇滚歌星与顶级名模结成伉俪。

    Rock star to wed top model .

  21. 他说他在与一位摇滚乐歌星谈恋爱,我还以为他在开玩笑呢。

    I thought he was kidding when he said he was going out with a rock star .

  22. 她随一支摇滚乐队演唱,但她本身也是爵士乐手。

    She sings with a rock band , but she 's also a jazz musician in her own right .

  23. 这张唱片是摇滚歌星鲍勃·格尔多夫的心血之作。

    The record was the brainchild of rock star Bob Geldof .

  24. 库尔特起初在一个摇滚乐队弹低音吉他。

    Kurt had started out playing bass in a rock band .

  25. 摇滚乐自从朋克乐以后就已经过于商业化而缺乏新意了。

    Rock'n'roll has become so commercialised and safe since punk .

  26. 他年近40,是一个上了年纪的摇滚明星。

    Pushing 40 , he was an ageing rock star .

  27. 贾尼斯·乔普林是20世纪60年代摇滚女歌手的代表。

    Janis Joplin was the personification of the ' 60s female rock singer

  28. 美国杂志把她奉为世界上最伟大的摇滚歌手。

    US magazines hailed her as the greatest rock'n'roll singer in the world

  29. 摇滚乐直接源自节奏布鲁斯。

    The immediate ancestor of rock ' n ' roll is rhythm-and-blues .

  30. 我去现场看过很多摇滚音乐会。

    I 've been to plenty of live rock concerts .