
yáo bǎi wǔ
  • waggle dance;rock and roll
  1. 它们用一套被称为“摇摆舞”的舞姿来传递信息,告知同伴食物的所在地或者建筑蜂巢的最佳据点。

    They perform a series of movements called a " waggle dance " to tell each other where food is located or which spot is best for building a new colony .

  2. 此次实验支持这个结论:蜜蜂的摇摆舞是昆虫世界里利他主义的一个例证。

    That supported the conclusion that the waggle dance was an illustration of altruism in the insect world .

  3. 他们安了自动点唱机后,我在那儿学会了跳摇摆舞。

    I learnt to jive there when they got the jukebox .

  4. 现在在YouTube上搜索哈林摇摆舞,可以找出33万个结果。

    Searching Harlem Shake on YouTube now brings 330,000 results .

  5. 最新的YouTube舞蹈视频HarlemShake哈雷姆摇摆舞迅速走红,让鸟叔的《江南Style》成为了过去式。

    The " Harlem Shake " YouTube dance video has sent the " Gangnam Style " flying .

  6. 哈莱姆摇摆舞(HarlemShake)来到了中国。

    The Harlem Shake has arrived in China .

  7. 现在在YouTube上搜索“哈林摇摆舞”,可以找出33万个结果。

    A lot . Searching " Harlem Shake " on YouTube now brings 330000 results .

  8. 而在TEM4上却没有任何麻烦的迹象,那里上演着无穷尽的派对,人们伴着时髦的放克乐跳摇摆舞,空气里的喷雾清新剂让人飘飘欲仙。

    Except there 's no evidence of trouble ; in fact , TEM 4 is a land of endless partying , with citizens go-go dancing to swanky wah-wah funk and getting high from aerosol breath fresheners .

  9. 嘻哈音乐史学家A-tone认为:“它们只是名字相同,仅此而已。”最初的哈林摇摆舞诞生于30年前的哈林区篮球场上,是由已故的阿尔伯特·利奥波德·博伊斯(AIB)在嘻哈音乐早期最先发明的。

    A-tone , a hip-hop historian , says " they share the name but that 's it . " The original dance was created by the late Albert Leopold Boyce ( Al B ) on Harlem 's basketball courts three decades ago in the early days of hip hop .

  10. 我受不了摇摆舞音乐,因为太响了。

    I can not stand rock music because it 's so loud .

  11. 我父亲教我如何跳摇摆舞。

    My father taught me how to do the jive .

  12. 摩妮卡说得对摇摆舞有点危险

    Monica 's right . Swing dancing can be tricky .

  13. 她在一个摇摆舞乐队里吹单簧管。

    She plays the clarinet in a swing band .

  14. 对不起,我不会摇摆舞。

    - Sorry , I don 't know how to dance big beat .

  15. 他们正在一节叫做“全身思考”的课堂中学习摇摆舞。

    They 're learning to swing dance in a class called whole body thinking .

  16. 不过有很多住在哈林区的人说,这些不是真正的哈林摇摆舞。

    But this is not the true Harlem Shake , say many in Harlem .

  17. 年过五旬的琼斯大厨还记得原始版本的哈林摇摆舞。

    Chef Jones , who is in her 50s , remembers the original version .

  18. 一伙年青人正在跳摇摆舞。

    The group of young men were swinging .

  19. 起初爵士乐是一种舞蹈音乐,由一些规模较大的乐队以摇摆舞的形式来演出。

    At the outset , jazz was dance music , performed by swinging big bands .

  20. 绝对史无前例的上海第一个摇摆舞比赛!

    Shanghai First Ever Swing Dance Contest !

  21. 麻醉摇摆舞音乐使他们如痴如狂。

    The acid rock freaked them out .

  22. 上午,中午,下午,摇摆舞和踏踏舞。

    Morning , noon , afternoon , rock & roll as well as tap dance .

  23. 如果我有更多的业余时间,我会学跳摇摆舞。

    If I had more free time , I would learn how to swing dance .

  24. 跳摇摆舞没有好处。

    It is not good to swing .

  25. 他们的主顾是些摇摆舞明星。

    Their clients were rock stars .

  26. 我喜欢摇摆舞,因为它是我一生里学会的第一个交谊舞。

    I like Swing dance since it is the first dance I learned in my life .

  27. 然而大多数人不知道的是,这套“摇摆舞”其实十分先进。

    However , what many people don 't know is that the dance is extremely advanced .

  28. 瑞秋要去学摇摆舞,我非常不赞成

    Rachel wants to take swing dance lessons . Which I think is a really stupid idea .

  29. 他把已经对好摇摆舞电台的车内收音机的音量增大。

    He turned up the volume of the car radio , which was turned to a rock-and-roll station .

  30. 除此之外,蜜蜂还可以通过同伴的“摇摆舞”轻而易举地计算出角度。

    Aside from that , they can also calculate angles very easily just by reading their waggle dances .