
  • 网络Rock & Roll Hall of Fame;the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame;Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame
  1. 1995年的今天,摇滚名人堂在俄亥俄州开放。

    1995-The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame opens in Cleveland , Ohio .

  2. 1986年的今天,摇滚名人堂引入其首批成员:查克·贝瑞、詹姆斯·布朗、瑞·查尔斯、法兹·多米诺、艾维利兄弟、巴迪·霍利、杰瑞·李·刘易斯和艾尔维斯·普莱斯利。

    1986-The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducts its first members : Chuck Berry , James Brown , Ray Charles , Fats Domino , Everly Brothers , Buddy Holly , Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley .

  3. Paul是少数几个能在摇滚名人堂纪念馆中拥有永久独立展览的音乐家之一。

    Among his many honors , Paul is one of a handful of artists with a permanent , stand-alone exhibit in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame .

  4. 他是进入了摇滚名人堂的歌手。

    In2000 , he was inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame .

  5. 戴维斯于1999年入选摇滚名人堂。

    Davies was adopted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1999 .

  6. 2007年,乐队被选入摇滚名人堂。

    In 2007 , the band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame .

  7. 1987年,爱瑞莎·弗兰克林成为入主“摇滚名人堂”的第一位女性。

    1987-Aretha Franklin becomes the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame .

  8. 自从1986年开始,这个组织(摇滚名人堂基金会)就对那些在摇滚发展史上有重要地位的艺人人进行表彰。

    Since nineteen eighty-six , this group has been honoring performers who have been important in the development of rock and roll .

  9. 瑞典流行乐团阿巴乐队被列入美国摇滚名人堂,一同加入的还有英国创世纪乐队和赫理斯乐队。

    Swedish pop band Abba have been inducted into the US Rock and Roll Hall of Fame , along with British bands Genesis and The Hollies .

  10. 在洛杉矶的杰克逊悼念仪式之后几个小时,克利夫兰市的摇滚名人堂将为迈克尔·杰克逊举行烛光守夜。

    Hours after the memorial service in Los Angeles , the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland will honor Michael Jackson with a candlelight vigil .

  11. 他于1996年进入摇滚名人堂。鲍伊是他那一代的领军人物,令摇滚成为戏剧,它精心建构,充满夸张,然而其技巧中孕育了真诚,能说出远较自然主义为多的东西。

    Mr. Bowie was his generation 's standard-bearer for rock as theater : something constructed and inflated yet sincere in its artifice , saying more than naturalism could .

  12. 铁三角的麦克风以及无线系统也被大型音乐媒体所采用,诸如格莱美奖项以及摇滚名人堂聚众仪式。

    Audio-Technica microphones and wireless systems are also selected for major broadcast music events , including the GRAMMYR Awards and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremonies .

  13. 1971年,迈克尔·杰克逊开始了独唱生涯,预计出售了7.5亿张唱片,并两次进入摇滚名人堂。

    In nineteen seventy-one , Michael Jackson began his solo career . He went on to sell an seven hundred fifty million albums . He was into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- twice .

  14. 克利夫兰摇滚名人堂和博物馆项目看上去不太像是贝聿铭会做的博物馆,但这样的案例后面还有:2008年,卡塔尔多哈的伊斯兰艺术博物馆标志着他的博物馆设计达到了巅峰,贝聿铭兴致勃勃地接受了这个挑战。

    The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum project would not be Pei 's last unlikely museum commission : His museum oeuvre would culminate in the call to design the Museum of Islamic Art , in Doha , Qatar , in 2008 , a challenge Pei accepted with relish .

  15. 当他们把你放进摇滚乐名人纪念堂时你真的知道你成功了。

    You really know you 've made it when they enshrine you in the rock'n'roll Hall of fame .

  16. 雷蒙斯是一支经典的摇滚乐队,他们的影响力远远超过其唱片销量,于2002年入驻摇滚名人堂。

    The Ramones , who were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002 , were a quintessential rock group whose influence far exceeded record sales .