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yáo yè
  • flicker;sway;free and unfettered;waver
摇曳 [yáo yè]
  • (1) [flicker;sway]∶晃荡;飘荡

  • 摇曳的烛光

  • 住宅角落处的竹枝在晚风轻微吹拂下缓缓摇曳

  • (2) [free and unfettered]∶逍遥

摇曳[yáo yè]
  1. 烛光摇曳。

    Candles flicker .

  2. 摇曳;忽隐忽现她借着闪烁的烛光读书。

    flicker vi. She was reading by the flickering light of the candle .

  3. 树枝在风中摇曳。

    The branches were swaying in the wind .

  4. 树枝随风摇曳。

    Branches were tossing in the wind .

  5. 树冠在微风中婆娑摇曳。

    The tops of the trees rippled in the breeze .

  6. 透过宾馆的窗子,他们能看见海湾一带灯光摇曳。

    From the hotel window , they could see lights winking on the bay .

  7. 灯光在水面上摇曳。

    Light danced on the surface of the water

  8. 那是一种缓缓的律动,感觉像是慵懒地摇曳在空气中。

    It was a slow , pulsing rhythm that seemed to sway languidly in the air .

  9. 火苗摇曳不定。

    The flames guttered .

  10. 火把的火焰在微风中摇曳。

    The torch flared in the breeze .

  11. 一开始蜡烛摇曳不定,然后就灭了。

    The candle flickered and then went out .

  12. 细柔的柳枝迎风摇曳。

    The slender willow branches were swaying gently in the breeze .

  13. 柳枝迎风摇曳,婀娜多姿。

    Willow branches are fluttering ( or swaying ) gracefully in the breeze .

  14. 垂柳在微风中轻轻摇曳。

    The willow branches swayed gently in the breeze .

  15. 烛火摇曳着,随即熄灭了。

    The candle flame flicked and went out .

  16. 烛光在风中摇曳。

    The candle-light flickered in the wind .

  17. 洁白无瑕的沙滩上,闪光的棕榈树叶在温和的海风中舞动,摇曳生姿。

    Glossy palm fronds twist in the temperate wind along immaculate , powder white beaches .

  18. 目前景区内水面碧波荡漾游船穿梭,近岸长廊蜿蜒曲折,亭台错落,岸边垂柳依依,摇曳多姿。

    At present kingbibo Dangyang cruise ship in the water shuttle , winding shore promenade , pavilions cuola , shore weeping willow yiyi , swaying scene .

  19. 繁杂刻板的日子里,让暗香浮动,烛光摇曳,影映石上,几分晶莹,几分甜蜜,随香而至。

    Let the fragrant drift and drag under the candlelight , reflect the shadow on the stone as it carries a little bite of clarity and sweetness .

  20. 火把在风中闪烁不定,它的影子也随着在墙壁上摇曳着

    The torches guttered in the breeze , casting wavering shadows upon the battlements .

  21. 远远的水面上,灯光摇曳,轻歌荡漾,说明渔人正在收帆夜归

    Out on the water flickering lights and soft-voiced choruses marked the fishers returning from the reef .

  22. 惊艳的白色礼服配上深V领口,阿奎莱拉在今年的红毯上摇曳生姿赚足了风头,也完完全全地打了个翻身仗。

    In a stunning white gown with a plunging neckline , Aguilera completely redeemed herself with this year 's carpet sashay .

  23. 到处是你清澈的影子,摇曳在我的心里。

    Everywhere is your limpid shadow , drags in my heart .

  24. 一个弟子看着在风中摇曳的树枝。

    A disciple looked at some branches blowing in the wind .

  25. 我们的灯在夜晚的微风中摇曳着熄灭了。

    Out lamp had flickered in the evening breeze and died .

  26. 卢和米兰达约在“摇曳树”见面。

    Law asked Miranda to meet him at The Flowing Tree .

  27. 街灯在微风中摇曳着。

    The breeze set the flames of the street lamps quavering .

  28. 摇曳着曙光那枝温暖漂亮的笔杆

    Take hold of the beautiful warm pen of the dawn ,

  29. 海底丛丛的海草随着湖水摇曳生姿。

    Groves of seaweeds sway beautifully along with the flowing water .

  30. 灼热的阳光,摇曳的椰林,碧蓝的海水;

    Scorching sunshine , swaying coconut trees , blue sea ;