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chì liè
  • blazing;flaming;burning fiercely
炽烈 [chì liè]
  • [burning fiercely;flaming] 形容盛热、强烈

  • 炉火炽烈

炽烈[chì liè]
  1. 炉火炽烈。

    The stove is burning fiercely .

  2. 我看着他的眼睛,他眼里的犹疑迅速被炽烈的决定所取代。

    I watched his eyes as the doubt was suddenly replaced with a blazing determination .

  3. 他们是当今最杰出的电视演员,风格介于毫无章法的即席喜剧和炽烈的安妮·迪佛·史密斯(AnnaDeavereSmith)式感情主义一人多角剧之间。

    They were two of the best actors on television , hailing from somewhere between the lawlessness of improv comedy and the high-impact emotionalism of Anna Deavere Smith 's one-woman , zillion-character plays . "

  4. 她在自画像中毫无保留地描绘身体上的痛苦,坦率地暗示充满动荡的情感生活,漫不经心地令自己上升到那个由炽烈燃烧、命运多舛的星辰组成的奇异星座,其中包括詹姆斯·迪恩(JamesDean)和玛丽莲·梦露(MarilynMonroe)等人。

    Through self-portraits that unsparingly depict her physical travails and that make frank allusion to a tumultuous emotional life , Kahlo inadvertently vaulted herself into that strange constellation of bright-burning , ill-fated stars , alongside James Dean and Marilyn Monroe .

  5. 炎黄坚毅的热血,如炽烈的圣火。

    Chinese blood of fortitude , like the burning holy fire .

  6. 加之体处炽烈、尘土、及如冬寒夜中。

    The heat , the dust , and cold wintry nights .

  7. 鸽子喷吐着炽烈的恐怖的火焰划破夜空,掠飞而下

    The dove descending breaks the air with flame of incandescent terror

  8. 这使他的欲念更加炽烈,使他的行为更加野蛮。

    It spurred him on , made his attacks wilder .

  9. 他们炽烈的怨恨导致了队友之间的愤怒的倾轧。

    Their seething resentment led to angry jostling between team-mates .

  10. 但是这姑娘炽烈的感情让他感动。

    But the girl 's strong feeling impressed him .

  11. 看起来像狂野不羁的孩子,却燃烧着男子汉最炽烈的情感。

    They seemed like ungoverned children inflamed with the fiercest passions of men .

  12. 炽烈的火焰会使得石灰岩脸红。

    The fiery heat would make the limestone blush .

  13. 撒旦站在炽烈的湖边。

    This is Satan standing by the fiery lake .

  14. 确实,她的橄榄色的皮肤使人想起南方及其炽烈的热情。

    Her olive skin suggested , indeed , the South with its burning passion .

  15. 她感情炽烈而且非常自信。

    She was very vehement and very sure .

  16. 克莱尔对温柔沉静的苔丝的爱也越来越炽烈了。

    Clare became gradually more passionately in love with the soft and silent Tess .

  17. 再没有什么爱,如你的爱炽烈

    There 's no love , like your love

  18. 他想起了家,想起了沉浸在炽烈阳光下的沉寂田野和村庄。

    He thought of home , of drowsy fields and villages baking in the sun .

  19. 人的外形,是一个炽烈的熔炉

    The human form a fiery forge ,

  20. 爱,如同你已遍体鳞伤,却爱得更炽烈坚强。

    Love like you have been hurt numerous time , and you love even more .

  21. 他以炽烈的焦急心情倾耳细听。

    He listened with ardent anxiety .

  22. 因为尼珀姑娘在她炽烈的热情中,把托克斯小姐贬损为一条鳄鱼;

    For Miss Nipper , in her burning zeal , disparaged Miss Tox as a crocodile ;

  23. 他的布道结束后,炽烈的深渊和迷人清凉的莲花全部都消失了。

    When he had finished teaching , the fiery pit and the lovely cool lotus completely disappeared .

  24. 她的愤怒从来不是狂暴的;她的爱也从来不是炽烈的,而是深沉、温柔的。

    Her anger was never furious ; her love never fierce : it was deep and tender .

  25. 我的热望如此炽烈,为何却无法融化她冰样的冷

    How comes it then that this her cold so great is not dissolved through my so hot desire

  26. 有时候则是炽烈的桔黄色燃烧着地平线上的云

    And some days they were a blazing orange ... setting fire to the clouds on the horizon .

  27. 随着令人眼花缭乱的事业提升和志向远大的销售业绩等承诺,双方的渴望都燃烧得愈发炽烈。

    Desire burns ever hotter on both sides , with promises of meteoric career advancement and soaring sales performance .

  28. 该书叙述前三个案件,回环纠结,情节勾连,气氛炽烈,较耐人寻味。

    The first three cases are described in this book with intermingled plots , hot atmosphere , and profound thought .

  29. 我认为你善良,有天赋,可爱:我心里产生了一种炽烈、庄严的热情。

    I think you good , gifted , lovely : a fervent , a solemn passion is conceived in my heart .

  30. 就像罗马诗人特伦斯曾说过的:我的祈求越少,我的爱情便越炽烈。

    As the poet Terence , the Roman poet once said , he said , The less my hope , the hotter my love .