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xuàn làn
  • gorgeous;splendid;luscious
绚烂 [xuàn làn]
  • [splendid;gorgeous] 光彩耀眼

  • 绚烂的杜鹃花

绚烂[xuàn làn]
  1. 一英亩见方的花园生长出一大片绚烂的杜鹃花。

    The acre of garden is host to a splendid bank of rhododendrons .

  2. 妙曼的歌声总是悠扬,璀璨的灯火总是绚烂。

    Wonderful and graceful song is melodious , the bright lights are always splendid .

  3. 鲜花锦簇,色彩绚烂。

    The flowers mingle together to form a blaze of colour .

  4. 乡村里秋色绚烂。

    The countryside glowed with autumn colours .

  5. 她抛开城市的绚烂,去苏格兰荒原居住。

    She forsook the glamour of the city and went to live in the wilds of Scotland .

  6. 春天,山谷里春色绚烂。

    In spring , the valleys are ablaze with colour .

  7. 尤其是在四五月份,不计其数的野花盛开,山谷里一片绚烂色彩。

    Millions of wild flowers colour the valleys , especially in April and May

  8. 昨天的朝霞很绚烂。

    There was a spectacular sunrise yesterday .

  9. 正值秋季,赤褐色、红色和棕色的枫树绚烂夺目。

    The maple trees were in their autumn glory of russets , reds and browns .

  10. 使生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。

    Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves .

  11. 小巷子像迷宫一般蜿蜒穿过这座城市,出现在令人惊讶、绚烂的喷泉广场上

    Alleyways wind through the city like a maze , opening up into surprising , sunny fountained piazzas .

  12. 两位美国匿名女性发布了一个广告:“我们需要两位男士(最好是关系特别好的哥们,可以和我们俩姐妹配对)共度节日。我们的爱情是假的,但会像史诗般绚烂。我们要让所有人艳羡我们。”

    Two American unnamed women created one ad read : ' We need two guys ( preferably two in a bromance to match our womance ) to stick around for the holidays . Our love will be fake , but epic . We want to make everyone jealous . '

  13. 成千上万绚烂的LED喷嘴,让喷泉的色彩妩媚妖娆。

    Thousands of stunning LED nozzles give the fountain its striking colors .

  14. LEAF如同七彩的虹,你在我生命的长河里影下一抹绚烂的色泽,轻轻地荡漾在心底。

    MAPLE & LEAF is like colorful rainbows , leaving a touch of gorgeous color in the long history of my life and gently rippling in the bottom of my heart .

  15. 《旅行者IQ大挑战》在业内被称作“休闲”游戏,像卡片游戏和谜题游戏也属于这种类型,其特点是开发成本低,易于上手,画面也不像为Xbox360等游戏机开发的新游戏那般绚烂华丽。

    Traveler IQ is part of a wave of what 's known in the industry as ' casual ' games -- low budget , easy-to-play titles like card games and puzzles -- that lack the visual flare of slick new products for the Xbox 360 and other game consoles .

  16. 我从未见过钻石闪烁如此绚烂的光彩。

    I had never seen diamonds shine with such brilliance before .

  17. 这和内容有关,而不是演讲的风格或是各种绚烂的多媒体。

    Its about substance , not speaking style or multimedia pyrotechnics .

  18. 渴望绚烂的灵魂早已老去,逝成一首古老的歌曲。

    Heroic soul grows out of fashion like an old song .

  19. 如果你憧憬一个绚烂而美丽的城市,那就去看看布拉格吧!

    If you want a gorgeous city , check out Prague .

  20. 可事实上最沉寂的黑夜,依然绚烂

    But the darkest of nights , in truth , still dazzles

  21. 遇见你,将是我生命中最绚烂的时刻。

    Met you , my life would be the most gorgeous moment .

  22. 今天,我们生活在一个绚烂多彩的广告的世界里。

    Today we live in a gorgeous and colorful world of advertising .

  23. 绚烂源于无彩的世界&访孙岩及导师杨峻

    Sun Yan An Interview with and His Teacher Yang Jun

  24. 哦,给你绚烂的阳光,美好的心愿。

    Oh , to you I give the sun , my heart .

  25. 给予我最大的满足。上帝的礼物/叫人间最绚烂的梦幻失落了颜色。

    Because God 's gifts put man 's best dreams to shame .

  26. 于是每个想你的夜晚都充满了旖旎的绚烂。

    So every night think you are full of the gorgeous beautiful .

  27. 人类文明因为有了城市更加绚烂。

    Human civilization because of the city more beautiful .

  28. 秋天里,整个大自然到处都是绚烂的色彩。

    Whole Nature gets filled with colors during Autumn .

  29. 这是一个非常可爱的夜晚,光彩绚烂。

    It was a most lovely evening , full of light and splendour .

  30. 礁石内侧:海水绚烂,暗礁林立,海藻丛生,就象水族馆的生态展览一样。

    Inside was peacock water , rocks and weed'showing as in an aquarium .
