
  • 网络rock style
  1. 除此之外,他也发布了像《BadGirl》及中国古典摇滚风格的《花房姑娘》等多首单曲。

    He has also released solo singles , like ' Bad Girl ' and a remake of classic Chinese rock song ' Girl in The Flower Room ' .

  2. 正是由于圣罗兰(上世纪70年代创建品牌)创意总监艾迪斯理曼(HediSlimane)设计的上世纪70年代摇滚风格的首饰系列一款难求,公司销售额从2011年的3.53亿欧元飚升至2014年的7.07亿欧元。

    Hedi Slimane , creative director of Saint Laurent ( which made its name in the 1970s ) has doubled the brand 's sales revenue from 353m in 2011 to 707m in 2014 , thanks to his sellout 1970s rock " n " roll collections .

  3. 很多实验乐队转移成了独立摇滚风格。

    Most experimental bands were relegated to indie rock .

  4. 她布满裂纹的醒目双唇和多彩的眼影诠释了前卫的摇滚风格的魅力。

    Her choppy bold lips and colourful eyeshadow defined the edgy , rock ' n ' roll glamour .

  5. 这场摇滚风格的时装秀作为纽约国际时装周的一部分,于本周一晚上在纽约大都会举办。

    The'Rock and Roll'fashion show , was held at the Metropolitan Pavillion as part of New York fashion week on Monday night .

  6. 尼克今年56岁,可以说同时身兼好几种角色:“坏种子”和其车库摇滚风格的衍生乐队“研磨者”(Grinderman)的词曲作者及主唱;

    At 56 , Cave can claim at least half a dozen vocations : songwriter and performer with the Bad Seeds and their garage-rock offshoot , Grinderman ;

  7. 我在演出中弹奏电子琴,这让我结识了其他音乐家,大学毕业后,我在一家摇滚风格的乐队演出。

    Playing the keyboards in shows introduced me to other musicians , and when I got out of college , I played in a rock fusion band .

  8. 黑色的、长方形的、锯齿状的、金片、管状的马克西裙装带来节日的缩影,搭配凯特的签名更显出摇滚的风格。

    The black rectangular jagged sequin bandeau maxi dress epitomises festive party-wear mixed with Kate 's signature rock-n-roll style .

  9. 克莱普顿的音乐生涯是从乐队成员发展成为独唱歌手,并且被认定为历史上最优秀的摇滚蓝调风格的吉他手。

    Clapton 's musical career has developed from band member to solo artist and has allowed Clapton to be considered one of the premiere rock and blues guitarists in history .

  10. 它既有二十世纪六十年代女孩组合的音乐风格又有朋克摇滚的音乐风格。

    It is a combination of 1960s girl group music and punk rock .

  11. 作者以兰州演出比较活跃的几支乐队为例,对兰州摇滚音乐作品的风格、歌词、音乐创作进行介绍分析。

    Taking several active bands as examples , the author introduces and analyzes the style , lyrics and music creation of the work of the rock in Lanzhou .

  12. 莫利逊,虽然从摇滚,放出一些民间摇滚风格轨迹中,总是一种奇特的方式。

    Van morrison , although from rock and roll , released some folk-rock style tracks , always in an idiosyncratic mode .