
yáo lán
  • cradle
摇篮 [yáo lán]
  • (1) [cradle]

  • (2) 通常装在摇摆器上或悬挂于枢轴上可以摇摆的婴儿床或吊床

  • (3) 比喻幼年或青年时代的生活环境或文化、运动等的发源地

  • 黄河流域是我国古代文化的摇篮

摇篮[yáo lán]
  1. 她摇动摇篮哄婴儿入睡。

    She rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle .

  2. 有个宝宝在摇篮里啼哭。

    There is a baby crying in the cradle .

  3. 这个俱乐部是年轻拳击手的摇篮。

    The club is the proving ground for young boxers .

  4. 她轻声哼唱了一支摇篮曲。

    She gently crooned a lullaby .

  5. 把宝宝放到座位上,给她弹一首摇篮曲。

    Place your baby in her seat and play her a lullaby

  6. 婴儿在摇篮里被摇得睡着了。

    The baby was rocked to sleep in a cradle .

  7. 母亲正对着婴儿哼着摇篮曲。

    The mother was crooning a lullaby to her baby .

  8. 啊!黄河,你是中华民族的摇篮。

    O ! The Huanghe ( River ), cradle of the Chinese nation .

  9. 她俯身亲了亲睡在摇篮里的孩子。

    She bent down to kiss the baby in the crib .

  10. 黄河是我国文化的摇篮。

    The Yellow River was the cradle of Chinese civilization .

  11. 那孩子在摇篮里睡得很熟。

    The child slept soundly in her cradle .

  12. 看来我女儿很喜欢这首摇篮曲。

    My daughter seems4 to love this lullaby .

  13. 婴儿安睡在摇篮中。

    The baby slumbered in his cradle .

  14. 几个月后,吉米回到家,一位年轻美丽的女士坐在门廊上摇着摇篮,摇篮里有个婴儿吸着奶瓶。

    A few months later , Jimmy came home . Sitting on the porch was a beautiful young lady rocking a cradle with a baby in it sucking the bottle .

  15. 注液摇篮体位CT对胃癌手术评估价值研究

    The value to assess the preoperative gastric carcinoma with cradle CT and water filling method

  16. 今年杭州的排名从去年的第五位跌落至第十。杭州是浙江省的省会,同时也是企业家的摇篮。此外,阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroupHolding)的总部也设在杭州。

    Hangzhou the capital city of Zhejiang province and home to many entrepreneurs as well as the headquarters of Alibaba Group Holding slid to 10 place from fifth place last year .

  17. 我说过的你不哄他去摇篮睡觉他就会在屋里瞎折腾,Penny。

    Leonard : Penny , I told you if you don 't put him in his crate at night he just runs around the apartment .

  18. 过去几十年中,“授权”(empowerment)一直在被滥用,而“真实性”(authenticity)被扼杀在摇篮之中。

    " Empowerment " has been given a good going over in the past couple of decades while " authenticity " was strangled at birth .

  19. 看看以下因素吧:总部位于纽约的时尚摇篮GenArt为自己近期的新人时装发布会GenArtFreshFaces选择了八位设计师,其中四位是韩国人或韩裔美国人。

    Consider the following : four out of eight designers chosen by Gen Art , a New York-based fashion incubator , to show their designs in the recent Gen Art Fresh Faces catwalk show were Korean or Korean American .

  20. 《从摇篮到摇篮》出版11年之后,两位作者又推出了这本书的续本《升级回收》(TheUpcycle)。

    Eleven years after the publication of cradle to cradle , the authors have written a sequel called the upcycle .

  21. 受访学生来自一所未提及名称的商学院两年制MBA项目的不同年级。这所学校70%的学生和80%的教师都是男性,它是投行和管理咨询公司新员工的摇篮。

    The students were at different stages of a two-year MBA programme at the unnamed school , where 70 per cent of students and 80 per cent of teaching staff are men and which serves as a recruiting ground for investment banks and management consulting firms .

  22. 古特曼前臂所纹的符号和标记是在古代美索不达米亚平原(Mesopotamia)的幼发拉底河(EuphratesRiver)发现的,那里是现在的伊拉克、叙利亚、科威特和土耳其的交界处,这个地区是广为人知的文明摇篮。

    The inked symbols and markings on Gutman 's forearm were found near the Euphrates River in ancient Mesopotamia - where modern-day Iraq , Syria , Kuwait , Iran and Turkey share borders - an area that is widely known as the cradle of civilization .

  23. 海上出生的1900,在陆地上却是个从未存在的人,没有亲人、没有户籍,也没有国籍,大海便是他的摇篮,而他也随着Virginian号往返靠泊各个码头,逐渐长大。

    Sea born 1900 , is in a land which never existed , no relatives , no domicile , nor nationality , he is the cradle of the sea , and he also as Virginian of the pier and berthing gradually grow up .

  24. 上海是中国电影的摇篮,徐克说。

    Shanghai is the cradle of Chinese film , Tsui said .

  25. 欧盟是现代社会保障制度产生的摇篮。

    European Union is the cradle of modern social security system .

  26. 河北早期青年运动的摇篮&育德中学

    The Cradle of Hebei Early Youth Movement & Yude Middle School

  27. 实验教学是造就创造型人才的摇篮

    Experimental Teaching & the Cradle of Bringing up Creative Qualified Personnel

  28. 母亲摇动摇篮使婴儿入睡。

    The mother rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle .

  29. 找到了一个被他称为“生命的摇篮”的地方。

    Found a place that he named the cradle of life .

  30. 我还能把你从一首飘渺的摇篮曲中带回来么?

    Can I bring you back , from a distant lullaby ?