
yáo bǎi yuè
  • swing music
  1. 摇摆乐之王格伦•米勒(GlennMiller),他是那个时代的黑眼豆豆乐团。

    King of Swing Glenn Miller , the one-man Black Eyed Peas of his day .

  2. 摇摆乐(swing)、咆勃爵士乐(bebop)、Sinatra、冷爵士(cooljazz)、摇滚――这些音乐都在声音和风格上更加专门化并且以年轻人为主导,它们让老一代人抓狂。

    Swing , bebop , Sinatra , cool jazz , rock ' n ' roll -- all were specialized , youth-oriented upheavals in sound and style , and they drove the older generation crazy .

  3. 他喜欢收集爵士乐和摇摆乐的旧唱片。

    He loved collecting old recordings of jazz and jive music .

  4. 埃尔维斯普雷斯利是最棒的摇摆乐歌手之一。

    Elvis presly was one of the greatest rock'n'roll singers .

  5. “爵士乐”可以表现为不同的形式,如摇摆乐、比博普爵士乐或是融合爵士乐。

    Jazz can mean different kinds of music : swing , bebop or fusion .

  6. 摇摆乐是爵士乐的一部分,让人听了后想跳舞。

    Swing refers to the part of jazz that makes people want to dance .

  7. 黑人音乐家和摇摆乐时代

    Black Musicians and the Swing Era

  8. 学习摇摆乐的和声方法,将对我们开阔眼界、发展我国通俗音乐创作有所助益。

    Swing-Jazz helps us widen our horizon and develop the composition of pop-music in our country .

  9. 这个音乐的形式导致了称雷鬼摇摆乐加勒比音乐的新形式。

    This form of music led to the new form of Caribbean music which was called the reggae .

  10. 天天晚上,他都要把他的晶体管收音机抱到床上,听本地电台的音乐节目主持人谈论摇摆乐。

    At night he would take a transistor radio to bed where he listened to the local jive-talking deejays .

  11. 在20世纪30年代,艾灵顿公爵等人率领的美国摇摆乐等乐队发生了真正的变革。

    The evolution of US " swing " bands like those led by Duke Ellington really arrived during the 1930s .

  12. 通过上述分析中可以看出:摇摆乐和声是在继承欧洲传统和声基础上的进一步发展。

    We can learn from the above analysis that Swing-Jazz harmony is a further development based on the European traditional harmony .

  13. 在所有后&摇摆乐的形式中,拉丁爵士向来最受青睐。

    Of all the post-swing styles , Latin Jazz has been the most consistently popular and it is easy to see why .

  14. 她一贯的节奏鲜明的曲风有过很多改变,其最新专辑便是一例&这是一张摇摆乐专辑。

    Her always sharp melodic songs have gone through many changes , including her last album , which was a swing record .

  15. 古典音乐、爵士乐、管弦乐、摇滚乐、摇摆乐、福音歌曲等等。这些音乐使我明白了什么是真正的快乐。

    Classical , jazz , and band music joined rock and roll , swing , and gospel as my idea of pure joy .

  16. “大乐团”和“摇摆乐”的大师艾灵顿公爵,被公认为美国各种音乐类型中最伟大的作曲家之一。

    The master of this " big band " or " swing " style was Duke Ellington , thought to be one of America 's greatest composers in any genre .

  17. 摇摆舞曲是流行乐的一种,最早出现在上世纪二十世纪早期的美国西南西部弦乐乐队。

    Western swing is a style of popular music that evolved in the1920s in the American Southwest among the region 's popular Western string bands .

  18. 每当他站起来独奏时,都会使劲儿摇摆,然后响亮地吹上一通,更像是在演奏硬摇滚,而不像爵士乐或摇摆乐。

    When he stood for a solo , he gyrated and played with a blaring tone , more like hard-core rock and roll than jazz or swing .