
  • 网络private equity fund;private equity;PE Fund
  1. 私募股权基金(PrivateEquityfund),或称私募股权投资基金,是指以非公开的方式、向特定投资者募集的,以非上市的企业股权为投资对象的投资基金。

    Private Equity Fund is the investment fund that collects capital from specific investors by non-public way and then invests private equity .

  2. 据三位知情人士透露,李彤目前掌管着香港中银国际(BankofChinaInternational)旗下的一家私募股权基金,业务集中在媒体行业。

    Ms Li now runs a private equity fund at Hong Kong-based Bank of China International focusing on the media sector , according to three people familiar with the matter .

  3. 在国外,并购退出和IPO退出是私募股权基金的主要退出方式。

    M & A-exit and IPO-exit are the main exit models of private equity funds in foreign markets .

  4. 四环医药的创始人是前军医。摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)旗下的私募股权基金持有该公司部分股权。

    Sihuan , whose founders are former military doctors , is part-owned by Morgan Stanley private equity funds .

  5. 中国投资公司(cic)和俄罗斯直接投资基金(russiandirectinvestmentfund,简称rdif)在今年6月建立了一只联合私募股权基金。

    China Investment Corporation and its Russian counterpart , the Russian direct investment fund , established a joint private-equity fund in June .

  6. 比如,1995年,贝恩资本的第四支私募股权基金购入了佛罗里达上市唱片公司AllianceEntertainment的股份。

    In 1995 , for example , the firm used its fourth private equity fund to purchase shares in a listed Florida record label called Alliance Entertainment .

  7. 一种国际上公认的分类方法是将私募股权基金划分为三种类型:a.以创业企业或高科技公司为投资目标的创投基金;

    An internationally accepted classification divide private equity fund into three categories : a.venture capital fund which targets at the start-ups or the hi-tech companies ; b.

  8. 在国际资本市场,私募股权基金是仅次于银行信贷和IPO的重要融资工具。

    In the global capital marketing , private equity fund is an important financing method which is just less used than bank credit or IPO .

  9. 该公司的私募股权基金的投资者包括北美退休基金比尔及梅林达•盖茨基金会(Bill&MelindaGatesFoundation)、高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)和中国社保基金(SocialSecurityFund)。

    Investors in the firm 's private-equity funds include North American pension funds , the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and China 's national Social Security Fund .

  10. 私募股权基金IDG拥有该公司10.39%的股份;

    Private equity fund IDG owns 10.39 per cent of the company ;

  11. 被出售证券似是DLJMerchantBankingPartnersIV的有限合伙股权,DLJMerchantBankingPartnersIV是2008年建立的一只私募股权基金,募资21亿美元。

    The securities being sold appear to be LP interests in DLJ merchant banking partners IV , a $ 2.1 billion private equity fund raised in 2008 .

  12. 一个由国际投资者组成的财团也和中粮集团共同参与了这一交易。该财团包括由前高盛(GoldmanSachs)“造雨人(rainmaker)”方风雷领导的中国私募股权基金厚朴基金管理公司(HopuInvestmentManagement)。

    A consortium of international investors including Hopu , a Chinese private equity fund led by former Goldman Sachs rainmaker Fang Fenglei , are joining Cofco in the deal .

  13. 蚂蚁金服的主要股东是阿里巴巴董事长马云(JackMa),其他股东包括云锋基金(YunfengCapital)联合创始人虞锋(DavidYu)。云锋基金是马云的私募股权基金。

    Ant Financial 's main shareholder is Jack Ma , Alibaba 's chairman , while other shareholders include David Yu , co-founder of Yunfeng Capital , Mr Ma 's private equity fund .

  14. 相反,欧洲似乎正开始出现政治障碍。人们担心,即将颁布的另类投资基金经理指令(AlternativeInvestmentFundManagersdirective),可能会使欧盟27个成员国的投资者难以利用欧盟外的私募股权基金。

    Instead , political hurdles seem to be coming from Europe , amid fears that the forthcoming Alternative Investment Fund Managers directive could make it difficult for European Union investors to make use of private equity funds based outside the 27-member bloc .

  15. 私募股权基金(以下简称私募股权基金或PE)是指通过私募的形式募集机构投资者或富有的个人资金,对尚未上市的企业进行股权投资,通过投资参股并辅导企业使其实现盈利增值。

    Private equity funds refers to raised through a private placement of funds of institutional investors or wealthy individuals , makes equity investments in enterprises not yet listed , by investing in equity and counseling business to profitable value-added . (?)

  16. 黑石集团的主打私募股权基金早就已经进行能源投资,比如最近宣布与AltaResources成立10亿美元的合资企业,计划在北美收购和开发非传统油气资产。

    Blackstone already makes energy investments out of its main private equity fund , such the recently-announced $ 1 billion joint venture with Alta resources to acquire and develop unconventional oil and gas assets in North America .

  17. 4.私募股权基金&TA、Summit等等,我对这些公司了解最少,但我的感觉是他们做后期投资,而且提供“大笔”资金。

    Private equity funds – TA , summit , etc. are the types of firms I know the least about , but my sense is that these folks do late stage investing and write " biggish " checks .

  18. 私募股权基金作为资本市场的新宠,近年来不断发展壮大,已经成为规模上仅次于银行贷款和IPO的融资方式。

    As the new favorite of the capital market , Private equity funds develop rapidly in recent years , having become the most important financing method just next to bank credit and IPO in aspect of scale .

  19. 在伦敦上市的RITCapitalPartners的主席罗斯柴尔德勋爵(LordRothschild)就是这样一位新来者。他本周访问了北京,为一只将在中国筹集人民币资金并到海外投资的新私募股权基金布局。

    Lord Rothschild , chairman of London-listed RIT Capital Partners , is one such newcomer , having travelled to Beijing this week to work on a new private equity fund that will raise renminbi in China and invest it overseas .

  20. 路透社(Reuters)报道,长江实业还在与私募股权基金公司洽谈飞机收购事宜,其中包括泰丰资本(TerraFirma)旗下的租赁公司AWASAviationCapitalLtd,该笔交易所涉金额甚至更高,达50亿美元左右。

    Reuters reported that Cheung Kong is also in talks to buy aircraft being sold by private equity firms including Terra Firma-owned lessor AWAS Aviation Capital Ltd , in an even bigger deal worth about $ 5 billion .

  21. 研究公司Preqin的数据显示,上个季度,4家能源私募股权基金共募资51亿美元。

    According to research firm PreQin , four energy-focused private equity funds raised a total of $ 5.1 billion last quarter .

  22. 去年成立的中国私募股权基金汉德资本(AgicCapital)收购了一家欧洲工业机器人公司——这是中国努力获取西方自动化技术的最新一例。

    Agic Capital , the Chinese private equity fund launched last year , has bought a European industrial robotics business - in the latest example of the country 's push to gain access to western automation technology .

  23. 不过,为遵守一般公认会计原则(GAAP),KKR认为必须将大多数基金并表(包括所有的私募股权基金)。

    To comply with generally accepted accounting principles ( GAAP ) , however , KKR believes that it must consolidate the majority of its funds ( including all of its private equity funds ) .

  24. 私募股权基金一般采取非公开发行的方式,向有风险辨别和承受能力的机构或个人募集(有限合伙人LP),交由专家组成的投资管理机构(一般合伙人GP)运作。

    PE raises from the individuals or institutions ( limited partners , LP ) which have the capacity of risk identification and bearing , then take the funds to the investment management sector ( General partner , GP ) which consists of experts for operation .

  25. 例如,研究公司Preqin的报告显示,2010年关闭募集的私募股权基金平均募集期为18个月,较2008年初延长了50%。

    For example , research firm PreQin reports that the average private equity fund closed in 2010 had been in market for 18 months , up 50 % from early 2008 .

  26. GTCR是例外,只有8个月募集期,但很多私募股权基金的募集期超过了两年。

    Gtcr was an exception to this trend with just an 8-month fundraise , but there are plenty of shops that have been at it for more than two years .

  27. 两家中国私募股权基金接近达成收购法国-比利时银行德克夏(Dexia)资产管理部门的交易,此举突显亚洲买家对欧洲金融资产的兴趣。金融危机过后,欧洲不少银行正寻求重组。

    Two Chinese private equity funds are closing in on a deal to buy the asset management arm of Dexia , highlighting the interest of Asian buyers in European financial assets as banks look to restructure in the wake of the financial crisis .

  28. 这个假期结局如何,肯定会影响市场也将决定服装连锁品牌j.crew的股东,是否同意一组私募股权基金公司出价30亿美元收购该品牌。

    How this holiday season turns out will certainly move the market-as well as determining whether shareholders approve the $ 3 billion sale announced on November 23rd of J. crew , a clothing chain , to a group of private-equity firms .

  29. 外国乳品的最新举动来自于丹麦-瑞典合资乳品集团Arla,该公司于周五表示将通过私募股权基金厚朴,购买伊利的主要竞争对手蒙牛乳品公司6%的股份,价格为17亿丹麦克朗(2.89亿美元)。

    The latest foreign bet comes from Danish-Swedish dairy group Arla , which said on Friday it would buy what amounts to a 6 percent stake in Yili 's main competitor , China Mengniu Dairy Co , from private equity fund Hopu for 1.7 billion Danish crowns ( $ 289 million ) .

  30. 对于私募股权基金的退出有着极大的推动意义。

    It has a great driving for the private equity fund .