
yǒu sè rén zhǒnɡ
  • people of color;colored races
有色人种 [yǒu sè rén zhǒng]
  • [coloured race] 白种人以外的人种

  1. 黑人群体大声疾呼,要求维护有色人种的权利。

    Black communities spoke up to defend the rights of all people of color .

  2. 除此之外,值得注意的一点是,在STEM领域工作的非白人女性所遭遇到的阻碍,比单纯的女性或者单纯的有色人种要大得多。

    Beyond that , though , it underscores that the women of color in STEM do not experience the same set of barriers that just women or just people of color face .

  3. 一百年前,人们通常用"有色人种"来指称非裔美国人。

    One hundred years ago , " Colored " was the typical way of referring to Americans of African descent .

  4. 当我们不再认为自己是有色人种时所发生的巨大变化(b考特兰米洛伊)

    The huge shift that occurred when we stopped thinking of ourselves as colored people ( bCourtland Milloy )

  5. 我比MichaelRichards在全国有色人种会议上更心虚(美国演员种族主义者)

    I was acting guiltier than Michael Richards at an NAACP meeting .

  6. 他是一名牧师,律师和全国有色人种协进会(NationalAssociationfortheAdvancementofColoredPeople,NAACP)前领袖。

    He was a clergyman , lawyer and former head of the NAACP -- the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People .

  7. 在约翰逊1912年石破天惊的小说《一个前有色人种的自传》(AutobiographyofanEx-ColouredMan)中,一个混血儿希望自己以白人的身份蒙混过关。

    In Johnson 's groundbreaking " Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man " ( 1912 ) , a young man of mixed race decides to pass as white .

  8. 死亡前行CPR患者的比率随时间增长,且有色人种比率更高。

    The proportion of patients undergoing in-hospital CPR before death increased over time and was higher for nonwhite patients .

  9. 总的CPR发生率为每1000住院患者人2.73次,同时黑人及其他有色人种发生率要更高。

    The overall incidence of CPR was2.73 events per1000 admissions ; the incidence was higher among black and other nonwhite patients .

  10. (美国)全国有色人种协会(简称NAACP)北卡协会主席Rev.Dr.WilliamBarberII带领游行队伍进入了麦当劳公司大院。

    The Rev . Dr. William Barber II , head of the NAACP 's North Carolina chapter , led the march onto the sprawling McDonald 's campus .

  11. 弗兰德度过了一段坎坷的棒球后时代,他克服了酗酒、经历了还债和一段失败的婚姻,最终于1992年获得全国有色人种协进会(NAACP)杰基·罗宾森奖(JackieRobinsonAward)。

    Flood overcame a rough post-baseball life of alcoholism , debt and a failed marriage to receive the NAACP Jackie Robinson Award in 1992 .

  12. 从戛纳电影节、到F1方程式锦标赛、到有色人种民权促进协会,到处都有他们的身影。

    The pair are often spotted hand-in-hand on the red carpet , everywhere from the Cannes Film Festival to Formula One Grand Prix races to the NAACP awards .

  13. 她前不久被任命为有色人种协进会(NAACP)华盛顿州斯波坎市分会主席。

    She had recently been appointed president of the local chapter of the N.A.A.C.P. in Spokane , Wash .

  14. 斯派克·李还发布了一条Instagram谴责好莱坞高层未能善用自己的权力,让更多有色人种的故事走向大银幕。

    In an Instagram post , the director condemned Hollywood execs for not using their power to bring more stories about people of color to the big screen .

  15. 现在,无论他是否试图针对NAACP(全国有色人种协进会),他必须知道他在针对我。

    Now whether he was also trying to target the NAACP , he had to know that he was targeting me .

  16. 在奴隶制废除之前和之后,美国人口普查局(U.S.CensusBureau)认定的“有色人种”和“黑人”也各不相同,有些时期还包括针对混血儿的小类,所有细微之处往往是由人口普查员随意决定的。

    Who the U.S. Census Bureau designated " colored " or " black " varied , too , before and after slavery , and at times including subcategories for people of mixed race , all details often left up to the whims of the census taker .

  17. 夫妇俩的朋友、金融高管麦勒迪·霍布森(MellodyHobson)一次为《向前一步》的大学生版撰写了一个关于有色人种女性的章节。古德伯格对初稿给予了反馈,体现出他对这本书的积极参与。

    When Mellody Hobson , a friend and finance executive , wrote a chapter of " Lean In " about women of color for the college edition of the book , Mr. Goldberg gave her feedback on the draft , a clue to his deep involvement .

  18. 有色人种丝绝不比白人拙劣。

    Colored people are by no means inferior to white people .

  19. 既然我在你眼里是有色人种。

    And since I am , in your eyes , colored .

  20. 在这个选区里大约有三百个有色人种选民。

    There were about three hundred coloured voters in the constituency .

  21. 西海角省的大部分居民是有色人种。

    Colored people constitute a majority of the population in Western Cape .

  22. 在上次竞选中,这个政党失去了有色人种的支持。

    This party lost support from the colored population during last election .

  23. 他是白人还是有色人种?

    Is he a white man or a colored man ?

  24. 全国有色人种协进会加拿大设计人协进会

    National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People Canadian Institute of Planners

  25. 那时在美国有色人种被人瞧不起。

    Coloured people were looked down upon at that time in America .

  26. 他们自以为比有色人种优越。

    They considered themselves to be superior to coloured people .

  27. 黑人和有色人种是奴隶。

    And the blacks and the Browns are the slaves .

  28. 布雷德福有许多有色人种居布雷德福染色协会地毯印花机

    Many coloured people live in Bradford . Bradford Dyers Association-carpet printing machine

  29. 而对有色人种的种族歧视,至今犹存。

    Instead of colored racial discrimination , yet still lives .

  30. 现在有越来越多的有色人种人士主动表示要当警察。

    More coloured men are now coming forward to join the police .