
sī yínɡ ɡōnɡ sī
  • private company
  1. 赫伦公司是一家私营公司,没有在股票交易市场挂牌。

    Heron is a private company and is not quoted on the Stock Market .

  2. Circle在英国最为人所知的是收购剑桥郡的欣琴布鲁克医院,使其成为第一家由私营公司管理的国立保健医院。

    Circle is best known in the UK for its takeover of Hinchingbrooke Hospital in Cambridgeshire , the first NHS hospital to be managed by a private company .

  3. 你能想象经济事务研究所决定私营公司可以参与国家卫生体系的事务吗?

    Can you imagine the IEA deciding that private companies should get their noses out of the nhs ?

  4. 不能希望NGOs和私营公司经营许多这样的活动。

    Neither NGOs nor private companies can hope to manage many such activities .

  5. 美国有些州方兴未艾的私营公司收费公路经营体系就是典型的BOT模式。

    The emerging system through which private companies maintain toll roads in some states is a classic BOT model .

  6. 还有一家私营公司NantHealth正尝试利用DNA排序和高性能计算机快速分析病人的基因等医疗信息,提出最佳治疗方案。

    Another company , privately held NantHealth , is trying to use DNA sequencing and high-powered computing to quickly analyze a patient 's genes and other medical information and suggest the best treatment .

  7. 美国有很多私营公司,如杜克能源公司(dukeenergy),但在中国、印度和俄罗斯,核电产能的增加可能会由国家掌控。

    In the US there is a range of private-sector players , such as Duke energy , while in China , India and Russia expansion is likely to be state-controlled .

  8. 韩国通信委员会表示,从周二起,总统府青瓦台(BlueHouse)、国防部、国会以及私营公司网站被恶意软件产生的密集流量瘫痪。

    The South 's Communications Commission said that the websites of the presidential Blue House , defence ministry and national assembly as well as private companies were inundated by heavy traffic generated by software , beginning on Tuesday .

  9. 从数据来看,维多是世界最大的私营公司,排在另两家大宗商品贸易公司嘉吉(Cargill)和科氏工业(KochIndustries)前面。

    That would make Vitol the biggest private company in the world by sales , ahead of commodities industry peers such as Cargill and Koch industries .

  10. Kabam是一家风投注资的私营公司,主要有三大业务。

    Privately held and venture-capital backed kabam has three distinct businesses .

  11. 东北大学对这种生产药物的方法持有专利并将其授权给了一家私营公司NovoBioticPharmaceuticals(位于马萨诸塞州剑桥市),该公司对使用该方法生产的任何化合物持所有权。

    Northeastern University holds a patent on the method of producing drugs and licensed the patent to a private company , NovoBiotic Pharmaceuticals , in Cambridge , Mass . , which owns the rights to any compounds produced .

  12. 首登月球的尼尔阿姆斯特朗(neilarmstrong)和最后一次登月的吉恩塞尔南(genecernan)属于那些担心私营公司无法胜任这一工作的人之列。

    Neil Armstrong and gene Cernan ( respectively the first and the last men on the moon ) are among those who fret that the private sector simply will not be up to the job .

  13. 赖斯大学的技术专家ChrisBronk和休斯敦公开小组软件公司电脑系统建筑师TroyGattis最近写了一篇社论,建议NASA需要更像一个创新的私营公司。

    Chris Bronk , a technology analyst at Rice University , and Troy Gattis , a computer systems architect with Houston 's Open Teams software company , recently wrote an suggesting NASA needs to be more like an private company .

  14. 美国国家航空航天局(NASA),在周四即将使用美国私营公司最大的助推器(德而它斯重型火箭发动机),将把“猎户号深空探测器”太空舱发送距离地球3600英里处。

    NASA , for example , is using the biggest booster in the U.S. fleet , a Delta 4 Heavy , to shoot its Orion deep-space capsule as far as 3600 miles from Earth during a test flight scheduled for Thursday .

  15. 英国专门提供医疗保健服务的私营公司BUPA委托莫里调查公司做了此项调查,其调查结果成为英国老龄化的一个有力证据。

    Private health care provider BUPA commissioned the survey as part of a debate on the implications of an ageing population .

  16. 一家私营公司的科学家创造出了世界上首个合成的生命形式&一个叫做“辛西娅”(Synthia,意为“人造儿”)的单细胞有机体。

    Scientists working for a private corporation have created the world 's first synthetic life form-a single-celled organism named Synthia .

  17. 10年来,前沿探险主要由私营公司进行,例如理查德·布兰森的维珍航空(VirginAtlantic)和埃伦·穆斯克的太空探索技术公司(SpaceX),相关的设备和技术常常是富豪们的玩物,披着神秘和知识产权的面纱。

    While the frontiers of exploration have been carried out largely in the private sector over the past decade -- Richard Branson'sVirgin Atlantic , Elon Musk 's Space X , and the like -- the machines and technologies involved are often billionaire playthings , shrouded in mystery and intellectual property rights .

  18. Covestor几年之后仍然是一家私营公司,因为对于大部分投资者来说,该公司的风险仍然很大。

    Yet he tells us Covestor remains a private company after a few years because it is still too risky for most investors .

  19. 政府可以把管理工作承包给私营公司。

    The government can contract out the management to private companies .

  20. 有些私营公司要求员工和客户接种疫苗。

    Some private companies are requiring vaccines for employees and customers .

  21. 私营公司太空探索技术公司已经向空间站发射了另一艘无人驾驶货运飞船。

    Private company SpaceX has launched another unmanned cargo capsule into space .

  22. 作为回报,政府把原本可能不会得到改善的公共资产交给私营公司。

    In return , the government turns over otherwise unimproved public assets .

  23. 李文迪是广州一家艺术设计私营公司的设计师。

    Designer with a private art design company in Guangzhou .

  24. 一家私营公司只估价182000美元。

    An independent appraisal came in at only $ 182000 .

  25. 就私营公司来说,其主要目标就是盈利。

    In the case of private firms , the major objective is profit .

  26. 但是,让私营公司来提供如此重要的必需品,需要格外的谨慎。

    Extreme caution is warranted before letting private companies provide something so essential .

  27. 第一位是巴西某私营公司的首席执行官。

    Player No. 1 is the CEO of a privately held Brazilian company .

  28. 我会买一些私营公司一些国营公司。

    I am going to buy some private companies and some state-owned enterprises .

  29. 那些技术人员来自俄罗斯一家私营公司,而不是来自政府。

    The technicians were from a Russian private company , not the government .

  30. 学校的修缮费用将由一家私营公司提供。

    The repairs to the school will be financed by a private company .