
  • 网络Boston Children’s Hospital;Boston Children's Hospital;Childrens Hospital Boston;Children's Hospital Boston;Children's Hospital in Boston
  1. DavidHunter医生表示,在波士顿儿童医院,他作为儿科眼科医生并没有观察到儿童视力问题的增加。

    Dr. David Hunter says he has not seen an increase in his practice as a pediatric ophthalmologist at Children 's Hospital Boston .

  2. 波士顿儿童医院(Children'sHospitalBoston)的运动医学专家皮埃尔·戴米库(Pierred'Hemecourt)描述了一系列危害,包括背部应力性骨折、生长板软骨发炎、后背和颈部压力、以及背部和肩膀的神经损害。

    Among the risks described by Dr. Pierre D'Hemecourt , a sports medicine specialist at Children 's Hospital Boston , are stress fractures in the back , inflammation of growth cartilage , back and neck strain , and nerve damage in the neck and shoulders .

  3. 波士顿儿童医院(BostonChildren’sHospital)新平衡基金会肥胖预防中心(NewBalanceFoundationObesityPreventionCenter)的主管大卫·路德维希博士(DavidLudwig)说,这些发现表明,需要寻找控制体重的新方法。他没有参与这项研究。

    Dr. David Ludwig , the director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children 's Hospital , who was not involved in the research , said the findings showed the need for new approaches to weight control .

  4. 因此,波士顿儿童医院的研究人员也调查了妈妈们的饮食中一个可能会影响孩子大脑发育的成分——富含DHA的鱼。

    So the Boston researchers also examined a component in mothers ' diets that might be responsible for children 's brain development : fish , which contains DHA .

  5. 该项研究的作者,波士顿儿童医院和哈佛医学院的内分泌学家OmutOzcan说,该种物质能够有效提高脂肪源性激素,也称之为瘦素,当身体有了足够的燃料和能量之后,是瘦素向身体发出信号的。

    Study author Omut Ozcan , an endocrinologist at Boston Children 's Hospital and Harvard Medical School , said the substance appears to work by enhancing a fat-derived hormone called leptin that signals to the body when it has enough fuel and energy .

  6. 从1999年至2010年期间,波士顿儿童医院的研究人员对1312名婴儿及他们的母亲进行了跟踪研究。

    Researchers at Boston Children 's hospital followed 1312 babies and mothers from 1999 to 2010 .

  7. 它的组成部分的一类药物称为血管生成抑制剂首创由已故医生犹大福克曼的波士顿儿童医院的。

    It 's part of a class of drug known as angiogenesis inhibitors pioneered by the late Dr.

  8. 这个机器人是麻省理工大学媒体实验室和波士顿儿童医院合作研发,后者投资了50万美元用于研究社交机器人。

    The robots a collaboration between MITs Media Lab and Boston Childrens Hospital , which has invested half a million bucks to research social robots .

  9. 方法采用美国波士顿儿童医院设计的静脉输液临床过程及结果监测作为评价工具,对102位外周静脉输液患儿的静脉输液过程和结果进行监测。

    Methods " Peripheral IV clinical process and outcomes monitor " questionnaire designed by Boston Children 's Hospital was employed in 102 children receiving IV infusion .

  10. 这个机器人是麻省理工大学媒体实验室和波士顿儿童医院合作研发,投资50万美元的研究型社交机器人。

    The robot 's a collaboration between MIT 's Media Lab and Boston Children 's Hospital , which has invested half a million bucks to research social robots 。

  11. 早在2015年初,独自抚养Virsaviya长大的妈妈Borun就曾找到波士顿儿童医院的一名医生,期待能帮忙治疗小姑娘罕见的病症。

    In early 2015 , Ms Borun , who has been raising Virsaviya on her own , found a doctor at Boston 's Children 's Hospital willing to treat her rare ailment .

  12. “现在男孩在成长中背负着巨大的期望值,但是他们缺少足够的心理动力或所需要的工具以使他们在学校取得成功或与家庭维持亲近关系。”波士顿儿童医院的一位儿科医师伊力纽博格说。

    Boys today are growing up with tremendous expectations but without adequate emotional fuel or the tools they need to succeed in school or sustain deep relation-ships , says Eli newberger , a pediatrician at Boston children 's hospital .

  13. 波士顿儿童医院新生儿重症监护室的安妮·汉森医生记得第一次听说埃弗里是在1990年,当时政府正批准一种名为Exosurf的早期表面活性剂。

    Dr. Anne Hansen in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Children 's Hospital Boston remembers the first time she heard about Dr. Avery . It was in nineteen ninety , when the government was in the process of approving an early surfactant called Exosurf .

  14. 但是以波士顿MassGeneral儿童医院JonathanWinickoff医生为首的研究人员最近提出警告,警惕“三手烟”的危害。

    But now researchers led by Doctor Jonathan Winickoff at MassGeneral Hospital for Children in Boston are warning about what they call " third-hand smoke . "