
  • 网络Polanyi;Michael Polanyi;M.Polanyi
  1. 默顿与波拉尼:科学社会学的研究纲领比较

    Merton versus Polanyi : comparison between their research programs of the sociology of sciences

  2. 波拉尼对科学知识的论断富于洞察力,但在广泛的经验研究上,成果不甚显著,也未能指明更清晰的研究方向。

    Polanyi presents some insightful assertions on scientific knowledge , but his program is less fruitful in extensive empirical research and cannot indicate research directions more clearly .

  3. 波拉尼奥认为,绝对不是。

    Not a bit of it , posits Bola ñ o.

  4. 不过,他说,他最终抽出时间阅读了罗贝托•波拉尼奥的所有小说。

    Still , he said , he has finally found time to read all of Mr. Bola ñ o 's novel .

  5. 波拉尼奥肯定不这么认为——对于他来说,文学令人不安地变化多端,是一种无关道德的力量,有着自我创造、自我辩解和自我神化的神秘能力。

    Not Bola ñ o - for him , literature is an unnervingly protean , amoral force with uncanny powers of self-invention , self-justification and self-mythification .

  6. 湖人队教练杰克逊在球队出远门参加比赛时,都向队员发放精心挑选过的书籍,从尼采的著作到智利作家罗贝托波拉尼奥的《2666》。

    Jackson of the Lakers has doled out carefully selected books to his players before their longest road trip , which range from works by Friedrich Nietzsche to '2666'by Chilean writer Roberto Bolano .

  7. 波拉尼奥是一位立意奇颖的作家,他在多种题材上皆有创新,其中包括长篇小说、短篇小说、诗歌、散文,还有那长达1100页、史诗般的。

    Bola o was a writer with tricks up his sleeve , and he distributed his wiles across many genres : novellas , poetry , short stories , essays and the epic 1100-page " 2666 " .

  8. 波拉尼奥写道,文学“是暴力的一种隐秘形式,是通往名望的通行证,在某些年轻而敏感的国度,可以掩盖不择手段挤进上流社会者的出身”。

    Moreover , literature , Bola ñ o writes , " is a surreptitious form of violence , a passport to respectability , and can , in certain young and sensitive nations , disguise the social climber 's origins . "

  9. 面对政治压迫、巨变与危险,作家们依然迷恋文字,对于波拉尼奥来说,这是崇高感与黑色幽默的源泉。

    In the face of political repression , upheaval and danger , writers continue to swoon over the written word , and this , for Bola & # 241 ; o , is the source both of nobility and of pitch-black humor .

  10. 如果用“文体诗”取代“法西斯”,这些虚构人物的生命轨迹就和波拉尼奥熟悉的那些真实生活中忙碌的作家们没什么两样。

    Substitute , say , " language poetry " for " fascism " and the trajectory of these invented lives would be much the same as they are for the busy networks of real writers Bola ñ o knew from the inside out .