
  • 网络PORT;Porto;Port Wine;Tawny Port
  1. 强化酒&加了烈性酒的葡萄酒,如波特酒和雪莉酒。

    Fortifying-By the addition of wine-spirit , e.g. , to Port and Sherry in the making .

  2. 波特酒是对他的保守主义的赞美。

    Port hymns to his conservatism .

  3. 总是死气沉沉的波特酒(portwine)行业最近的动态让我眼前一亮,看到了历史学家在葡萄酒行业里的曙光。

    Recent activity in the usually sleepy port wine trade has opened my eyes to the opportunities for historians in the world of wine .

  4. 雪利酒、波特酒和其他加强型葡萄酒符合标准吗?

    Would sherries , ports and other fortified wines qualify ?

  5. 来自单一年份的茶色波特酒,有坚果味道,非常美味浓郁。

    Deliciously intense , nutty tawny from a single year .

  6. 波尔图基本与波特酒同义,并同样具有悠久的历史。

    Porto is nearly synonymous to port wine , and also its rich history .

  7. 这款年份酒的伟大之处就在于在上世纪50年代拯救了波特酒的贸易。

    The vintage whose greatness saved the port trade that had been on its uppers throughout the 1950s .

  8. 今天互为贸易的各国出售的不是波特酒这样的最终产品,而是硬盘磁记录头这样的中间产品。

    Countries now sell each other not final products like port but intermediate ones such as recording heads for hard drives .

  9. 所以,大部分雪利酒和波特酒等加强型葡萄酒可以在拥有葡萄酒许可证的店铺销售或供应。

    Consequently , most sherries , ports and other fortified wines may be sold and served by licensees that hold a restaurant wine license .

  10. 一面品尝着像伊希斯女神一样唯美诱人的雪利酒、葡萄酒和波特酒,一面对时事、奇闻、名言和真知侃侃而谈,将过去的一切浸润在这令人神魂痴醉的情境之中。

    Sherry , wine and port flow like the Isis , with facts , anecdotes , bons mots and sparkling insights swirling past in a bewildering but entertaining array .

  11. 波特酒和餐后饮料被及时端了上来(至少在男士这里),烟灰缸也摆上了餐桌,还有雪茄烟。

    Without delay , port and after dinner drinks were served ( at least to the men ), ashtrays were placed on the dinner tables , and cigars were offered .

  12. 辛明顿家族的成员在这次“发现之旅”举办之前都稍显紧张,因为他们谁也没有品尝过1950年之前的考克伯恩波特酒,但是他们也无需担心。

    The symingtons were all a bit nervous in advance of this " voyage of discovery " because none of them had tasted any Cockburn older than 1950 , but they need not have worried .

  13. 在旧金山的Abbot'sCellar等餐馆,侍酒师会为客人斟上Baladin2009年产的XyauyuEtichettaOro(相当于葡萄酒中的波特(Port)酒)等著名年份佳酿。

    At restaurants like San Francisco 's Abbot 's Cellar , the cicerones , beer 's equivalent of sommeliers , pour celebrated vintage brews like Baladin 's Port-like 2009 Xyauyu Etichetta Oro .